
njordan avatar image
njordan asked

Grid Power not ZERO in a 3~ MP2 System (individual phase setup)

I have a problem with my Victron MP2 3~system v5.08, VenusGX v3.22 and a 6xUS2000C setup.

PVs are AC linked with different modules per phase. I'm on individual phase compensation NOT "Total all phases".

I would have expected that every MP2 checks its phase on the EM24 and would charge as much as required to compensate to zero Watt going out of the house to the grid.

However in my case it does behave like this at lower overall power of maybe 1000W, but in a sutation i have documented i can see the following

My situation is like the following coming from the house AC side as PV

L1 200W
L2 1200W
L3 800W

on the grid total i see -300 to not all is going into the battery

looking at the inverters i see:

L1 = 200W
L2 = 800W
L3 = 800W

on the Pylontech side i see 50V * ~30A...which would be the ~1800W / 30A
of course not talking about any losses.

So i'm far from the charging limit that would be possible.
if i say (total all phases) I see 50A easiliy.

But on individual phase setup i see part of the PV energy sent to the grid, even though the battery SOC is arround 70%.

By best guess is that there is a BUG in the software, but if there is a simple answer to this behaviour i'm more than happy to understand.

Cheers Norbert

bug reportvrm bug
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Can you share pictures.of what you are refering to.

It is best to use the remote console, I have found lag with data to and from the VRM does not make an easy or accurate diagnosis.

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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

njordan avatar image njordan commented ·


Thanks, and SORRY. my intention was to put this in a BUG subgroup, but seems to have landed in the same generic area. The documentation says it works that way (powrer to zero per phase) but as soon as i use "individual phase" it does not balance to zero. Zero works fine with "all phases".

How can I post there?
i can see the group but not a way to post...or how can i find direct Victron support to check with them if its as intended or maybe an issue with the software.

many thanks

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