
giampaolo avatar image
giampaolo asked

Why my system goes in passtrhu?

I noticed several time that my system goes in passthrou when I use a planer or techno squaring machine or a bandsaw machine (inductive loads). Never used all toghether and of course they do not exceed the power provided by system composed by:

2 x Multiplus II 48 V 5 Kva in parallel :

3 x Smart Solar charge regulator;

Lynx power in - Lynxs Shunt - Lynxs Distributor;

2 x Lifepo4 14 Kwh batteries (total 28 Kwh);

11 Kw of solar panels.

Despite batteries fully charged and solar panesl at their top of production if I start one of those loads the system goes in passthrou.

If I start all the appliances in the house like oven dishwasher washing machine hairddryer etc.etc

I can gather the 8 Kw available even for hours with no problem.

Am I missing something ?

Any help or suggestion higly appreciated.

multiplus in parallel
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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
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giampaolo avatar image giampaolo commented ·

Alexandra thanks for your answer.

No I'm not using ESS;

Which manual are you talking about?

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jeanmarie avatar image jeanmarie commented ·
Hi @Alexandra , maybe a small issue with copy/paste ;)

your link is pointing to an Am'zon page ;)

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mjs500 avatar image mjs500 jeanmarie commented ·
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giampaolo avatar image giampaolo mjs500 commented ·
I'm not using ESS . Now I foud the 6 points mentioned on ESS manual but they do not concern my system.
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mjs500 avatar image mjs500 giampaolo commented ·
I no you not using ESS thanks
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ mjs500 commented ·
Huh. Must have it from a previous answer. Fixed thanks.
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mjs500 avatar image
mjs500 answered ·

how is your set up work out current demand as you have two Multiplus II 48 V 5 Kva in parallel

witch firmware version are using ?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Are you taking the startup surges of the equipment into account? These can be significantly more than the rated power of the appliance.

Have you also checked that the inverters are fairly evenly balanced?

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giampaolo avatar image giampaolo commented ·

Are you taking the startup surges of the equipment into account?

Yes I did . But I belive that it shoul be supported by two multiplus in paralel. I also believe that the inverters are balanced .They work really well exept while using those machines..

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ giampaolo commented ·
Can you share what their rated power is?
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giampaolo avatar image giampaolo nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

This is the label of planer motor the one that gives me more problems.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ giampaolo commented ·

Just remember that can pull 8.8kW (or more) on start. It could easily be too much for the inverters initially. This is why soft starts are put on devices that support it. The gap between start and normal running can be significant and often underestimated.

Does the inverter eventually change back from passthrough if the motor is left on long enough?

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Charlie Johnson avatar image Charlie Johnson nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Agree with nickdb: Starting a single phase motor will require 5-8 times the FLA of the motor. In your case this is 11kW to 17.6kW.

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dennibu avatar image dennibu Charlie Johnson commented ·

Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, liegt das System parallel im Netz.

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giampaolo avatar image giampaolo Charlie Johnson commented ·
Maybe toy are right and the startup requires a big amount of energy therefore it goes in passthrough. When the planer is running the motor get less than 2 Kw.
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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Are those machines using tri-phase motors configured to start in a single phase system?

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giampaolo avatar image giampaolo commented ·
No they are single phae machines.
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giampaolo avatar image
giampaolo answered ·

Finally I solved yhe problem. My system was going in passthru due to some settings in the Virtual Switch section. As you can see in the enclosed screen when you set the "VS on" the part named "when the following LED alarms are ative" is set to 1 second and pre - alarm mode is chosen all this is set by default in VE Configure.

So I just changed the pre alarm mode in alarm mode and time to trigger the passtrough to 5 second. Now I can use with noproblems all the machines.


vs.jpg (122.8 KiB)
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