
fenix avatar image
fenix asked

Does a raspberry pi communicate or display to the VRM portal

i am looking to create a Victron-raspberry pi...

First question

Does a raspberry pi communicate or display to the VRM portal

Does anyone has a list of hardware require for the Raspberry pi


VRMRaspberry Pi
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Yes, RaspberryPi communicates with VRM the same as any Venus device.
You have the remote console too which is accessible on LAN IP address or via VRM.

Required hardware depends upon what equipment you want to connect to the RaspberryPi.
Almost everything must be via USB, so VE.Direct devices (BMV, most MPPT's, some inverters) will each need a VE.Direct to USB dongle:
VE.Bus devices (MultiPlus, Quattro) will need MK3 to USB dongle:

Run your RaspberryPi from a good power supply, the official RaspberryPi PSU is a good one.

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fenix avatar image fenix commented ·

Could it communicate via Bluetooth or wifi?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ fenix commented ·

There will be no blutooth communication.
The WiFi works for connecting to your LAN instea of a cable.

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