
Troy avatar image
Troy asked

MPPT 450/100 RS


Why is this happening on my New !

Install when I have 2 lots of solar going in and all is working fine

3 x 370 w panels

3 x 405 w panels

Get back to me asap

Thanks Troy

mppt rs
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2 Answers
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

" I have 2 lots of solar going in and all is working fine" - Well obviously not.

Is the MPPT showing any voltage on the PV side? A screenshot of the status would help.

How are the panels connected? Have you checked all connections/ isolators/ fuses etc?

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lydart avatar image
lydart answered ·

I had a similar problem with my MPPT 450/100 RS. I had 3 x 435w on one string and 6 x 435w on the other string. There was not enough voltage on the 3 panel string to start the MPPT. Problem solved by adding a 4th panel.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Just to add.

The start up voltage on a tracker is 120V.Once started it will track down to 80V before switching off.
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