
brazen-article avatar image
brazen-article asked

Ruuvi - Cerbo/Signalk - Raymarine Axiom Temperature and Humidity display

Ruuvi temp/pressure/humidity data shows up on VRM but only pressure shows on Raymarine Axiom plotter. Pressure is mapped to PGN 13014, path is environment.outside.pressure.

I've mapped the Ruuvi to "environment.outside.temperature" path in SignalK to PGN 130310, then to 130312 but no temperature is displayed on the Axiom.

Also mapped "outside.environment.humidity to PGN 130313 but nothing displayed on the Axiom.

Initial setup of the Ruuvi was with the Cerbo, the path names are generic as mentioned above, with no reference to the Venus Device Instance (#20 on this device). In the Venus plugin I mapped #20 to environment.outside.temperature

All the Ruuvi info shows up in VRM and I have it passed through to a HomeAssistant page so I know the Ruuvi is working. On the Axiom under settings the signalk canbusjs shows "environmental parameters" which I think is PGN 130310 and on another line PGN 130314 which is pressure.

Only Pressure shows up as data on the Axiom .Looking for suggestions to also get the Ruuvi temperature and humidity into the N2k stream.

Raymarine suggested using PGN 130316 but that is not an option in SIgnalK to N2K plugin.

ruuvi sensors
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1 Answer
hcgrande avatar image
hcgrande answered ·

I have the same issue. Anyone know if there is planned for a update on Signalk / N2K plugin that will export the PGN130316?

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