
saltmarsh avatar image
saltmarsh asked

Inline mc4 fuse or switch…?

…In between single 250w solar panel and 75/15 smart solar controller?

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You don't need a fuse for a single panel. A solar isolator switch is a must

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

You should not disconnect by opening up a fuse under load. Arcing is a thing. Less likely with such a small system but still potential for disaster.

I know you can switch off in software first before disconnecting but if there happens to be an emergency situation there is no time for that.

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regman54 avatar image
regman54 answered ·

More details please. It would help if you told us what you are trying to do.

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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