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eriko asked

EM340 (or EMxx) conflict with Cerbo Gx and Wallbox using same RS-485 bus

I have a working EM340 that was used for my Wallbox for EV car. I have added the RS-485 wires between EM340 and Cerbo Gx. Both are able to read the energy information from EM340 correctly. However if you are charging the EV and Cerbo Gx is running, then there are false information seen in Wallbox app like that the grid power is 0W and the green energy power is showing max power. It is incorrect.

It means that multiple modules like Cerbo Gx and Wallbox should not be active at same time.

As consequence, I need to buy a second energy meter to avoid the bus conflict when such commands are sent to EM340 at same time.

Is there a possibility to make multiple devices on same bus possible?

Energy Meter
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