
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas asked

Mopeka pro200

Anybody have a source for the new Mopeka pro200 top mount sensor? I can't seem to find one anywhere. Maybe just not available yet?

mopeka sensors
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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

@derrick thomas

Any luck with those?

Anybody with links, especially datasheets and manuals of any top mount wireless water level sensor that works with Victron? I tried Google but no luck.

I looked at the Mopeka TD40 (apparently TD means "top-down") but it looks like it requires drilling a hole at the top of the tank which is not an option.


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Adam Sherman avatar image Adam Sherman commented ·
I’m also in search of a top-mount sensor that will integrate.
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4 Answers
waveform avatar image
waveform answered ·

I have spoken with Mopeka. They are completing the production line and testing for the Pro 200. They expect them to be available late April 2024. Victron Cerbo integration is complete. Here is a link to a product sheet comparing to the TD40.

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Adam Sherman avatar image
Adam Sherman answered ·

Seems like it should be supported now:

Add support for new Mopeka sensor models: Universal Pro, TD40, Pro 200 and Pro+.
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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
@Adam Sherman I think Victron supports the pro 200 but I can't find a manual or spec sheet for that model of sensor. I have some document that mentions it but it gives no details. It seems it's very similar to the TD40. The main difference appears to be that it's a residential/recreational model whereas the TD40 is a commercial model.


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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·

Thank you @Waveform . I have a similar document but it doesn't mention the Pro Plus and the TD200.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
You have to dig for it. It's on their website but most of the data sheets don't list it. I did find one a while back but then it was gone.

I ended up getting the TD40 since the 200 wasn't yet available. Not really happy with it especially for the price point. Works great up to about 80% then it just goes to empty over that. Installed it exactly according to the spec sheet.

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waveform avatar image
waveform answered ·

More updates on the Pro200 and TD200 sensors. They are both Bluetooth. The Pro200 requires external power, while the TD200 is battery powered - batteries should last a few years, like the old TD40. The TD40 was designed for tanks more than 4’ tall while the TD200 and Pro200 are for shorter tanks. Victron has apparently finished the Pro200 integration and Mopeka is unsure if they have the TD200 integration completed, however I’d suspect they’d just do both at the same time. Originally, the Pro200 was to be released first, followed by the TD200 later this year, but they’ve moved the TD200 up to be released at the same time.

As of early May, Mopeka have started shipping to their authorized dealers first and anticipate general website release in late May.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
I received this email from Mopeka support on Friday.

Hey Derrick,

To start, I want to apologize for the delay, as I was also lead to believe they'd be on the market by now. Currently, our software developers are making the site revisions with a new provider, so there's been some delay getting the updated information published. We have also supplied about 120 test prototypes with one of our dealers, and while we wait for the revised website to publish, we are also awaiting to hear any feedback/notes from the prototype batch.

I am emailing the appropriate channels to see if there is any concrete time frame for when we can expect them to go fully live.

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