
zorongo11 avatar image
zorongo11 asked

sudden battery discharge

Hi everybody. Owner of a Multiplus Compact and a smart solar hq1814. Since yesterday, after successufully charging with AC or solar, and reaching 14.4 volts, suddendly it goes down to 7.7. It also occurs when starting the webasto heating, that then says there is not enough power in the battery. Tried with "charger only" and with "on". Same results. It even happens while solar charging. From 14.4 to 7.7 in one second. Any help?

battery charging
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3 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

How old is the battery?

The connections between different things are good and tight?

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zorongo11 avatar image
zorongo11 answered ·

Battery is 4 years old

I checked and everything looks good, clean and tight

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·
Then maybe a battery check is warranted, especially if the battery is lead/acid type and you've kept the battery outside the full charged zone with many deep discharges.
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zorongo11 avatar image zorongo11 Alex Pescaru commented ·
Ok. Thank you!
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harold avatar image
harold answered ·

What type of battery?
I think your battery or one or more cells from it are dead!

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