
cstenger avatar image
cstenger asked

Reverse charging with Orion XS

Folks, now that Victron has released the new Orion that's finally (almost) fully configurable, wouldn't it be nice to have a 'reverse charging' option?

Currently I use the Votronic Standby Charger Pro feed by my MPPTs load output to maintain starter battery charge by around 13.5V

Much smarter would be to have two charging sets available within the Orion XS configuration:

Engine running: IN to OUT with LiFePO4 parameter set
Engine off: OUT to IN with Lead Acid parameter set

But I reckon it's not possible due to limitations by the actual circuits.

battery chargingorion xs
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @cstenger,

To give you some hope it is technically possible with the hardware, it’s bi-directional.

To set the expectation though, there is no support for it now in firmware, it hasn’t been tested, it would take a long time to develop, there is no timeline to develop it, and the R&D team for that product has a long list of higher priorities for features and future models. We don’t promote it, even as a future feature. It may or may not ever come.

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cstenger avatar image cstenger commented ·

Understood. But nice to know it would be possible. Theoretically.

Features like support for proper voltage readings are WAY more important for us as users. And for you to catch up with competitor DC/DC Chargers like Votronic ;-)


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Willem avatar image Willem commented ·
Sofar so good, but is there an alternative way to trickle charge the startbattery by solar or from the Multiplus II?
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cstenger avatar image cstenger Willem commented ·

I‘m using a Votronic (yes, competitor cause you‘ve got nothing to offer Victron!) Standby-Charger Pro trickling the starterbattery at 13.5V. It‘s wired to the MPPT load output.

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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, and the german company WCS have a Booster with full bidirectional charging.

Best regards Robert

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