
bombadill avatar image
bombadill asked

US5000C connected directly to lynx shunt

I am planning to use Lynx Shunt and Distributor together with my Multiplus II 5000 48V system, connected to two Pylontech US5000 -batteries.

Is there any advisable thing not to do this and to put Lynx Power in there first? So instead connecting the batteries directly to the Lynx Shunt bars?

lynx shunt
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


What are you using the shunt for? Pylons report their SOC to the system. The bus bar part I understand that is a good choice, it allows future expansion.

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bombadill avatar image bombadill commented ·

Did some googling and you are absolutely right. There is no need for it. So basically, you'd just put Power in + Distributor together?

And then from the Pylontech, I'd connect the batteries directly to Cerbo GX with the VE.Can - BMS -cable?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ bombadill commented ·

If you don't need all the connections, just use the distributor.

There's a mandatory special cable from Pylontech to the Cerbo. See the Victron Pylontech guide.

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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