
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image

RS shade performance testing - v1.16-beta-05

Hi again,

A quick update to RS 1.16 beta 05. Full change log below.

Thank you to all involved in helping and improving the partial shading algorithm in the MPPTs in the RS models. We're hoping for public release next week, so please try this version and feedback as quickly as possible :)

For more details of the history, see this beta 1 thread & this beta 2 thread

Feedback is much appreciated - also if it works OK in your system.

Firmware files....

To install this beta version, either use VRM, and then click the little three-dotted icon on the right to see the option to upload a file yourself. Or, with VictronConnect, use the option described in chapter 9.2.

New in 1,16 beta 05


Update fan temperature profile for the DCDC converter, the fan starts at lower battery currents. The fan starts if the battery current is above 30A and the heatsink temperature is above 40°C. Previously the starting current level was 65A for the MPPT RS and 45A for the Multi RS and Inverter RS. Thanks to @Alex Pescaru - more background on this change here.

Remove VE_REG_SETTINGSLOCK_RECOVER from the wired interfaces so VictronConnect can distinguish between wired and wireless interfaces.

Complete Changelog since v1.15

All models:

  • Add settings lock functionality.
  • MPPT partial shading improvements; including a fixing "#34 excessive input current" error.
  • History logging and VRM reporting:
    • Fix min/max battery voltage history fields sometimes recording an impossible value.
    • Fix VRM energy counters in case the inverter is non-operational.
  • Fix instant read-out of inverter data via Bluetooth (note: update to VictronConnect is needed) (added in 1.16 beta4)
  • Fix in fan control that could cause the fans to operate at full speed during MPPT start-up (b4)
  • Set tracking lost voltage to 65V for all models, so we can scan to a lower panel voltage during operation (b4)

Multi RS:

  • Fix grid charge issue, the unit no longer connected to the grid when allow-to-discharge was inactive.
  • ESS option DisablePVInverters also stops the built-in MPPT charger.
  • Relay test: increase measurement settling time

VE.CAN Port:

  • Fix fast-packet transmissions (applies only to Inverter RS and Multi RS).

The main purpose of this beta firmware is to test the partial shading improvements in the MPPT, see previous beta threads for more details of those if necessary.

Thanks again for testing this and getting it ready for general release.

attn; @Andrii Podanenko, @Alex Pescaru, @Semlohnhoj , @nesswill, @CM, @beat, @Lee Taylor, @deon.korb, @teezee, @h2009,

Multi RSbeta
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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko commented ·

Installed beta5

See issue with Power output in OSX Desktop VictronConnect


@Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) FYI, after reconnect it is again showing negative large value

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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko commented ·

Not a consistent behavior around 100 SOC (Multi RS Dual Tracker)

When it is limiting PV, due to excessive solar, once high load comes (boiler) it goes for full power from both trackers.

Once boiler disconnected - tracker with a higher generation (#1 in my case) goes 0W.

After boiler comes again - #1 comes too, but once boiler unplugs - both trackers stay up with limiter in place around 50:50 needed power.

I'd prefer it work consistently and keep both trackers limited, instead of unplugging one of two.

No errors in a system, though.


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nick5000 avatar image nick5000 commented ·

It's still not available in Victron connect on my android phone. Is v05 the final version, can I use this to update manually?

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Hi @nick5000,

The updated firmware is not yet available in VictronConnect. It will be included in VictronConnect v6.00 (which is currently in beta)

There is a good chance that if you manually update the firmware file without also running the beta of VictronConnect that VictronConnect will give you an error if you try and change any settings.

Hopefully this is all resolved and released normally shortly, but I can't hurry that process as it involves a lot of essential testing.

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nick5000 avatar image nick5000 Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

I guess if better wait then, as I'd rather not break anything. It was announced 2 weeks ago, I thought it would be available by now.

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VictronConnect v6.00 is a big release, much bigger than just this firmware update. So it's hard for me to say what it is waiting for, or how long it will take.

In the future it may be possible for product firmware updates to be released with VictronConnect support without requiring a VictronConnect update, but for now this is the way it is.

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9 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi All Testers,

Today we have officially released v1.16,

Thank you for all your testing and feedback to help with the improvements in this release.

This one in particular, as the issue was raised by the community here, and then significantly supported by having all your different arrays and precise documentation to assist R&D.

The announcement is available here -

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image
Dierk Grossfeld answered ·

Upgraded just now both 450/200 to beta 05.
Cant spot a big difference in production yet.

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The smaller the changes between the betas, the closer we are to the release :)

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
I know exactly what you mean ;-)

So when we talk about small things now:

The only what I can tell so far:

Production on the MPPTs against in VRM:
VRM is missing 0,8 kwh.

(11 kwh in VRM against 11,8 on the MPPTs)

But I guess thats due to the mid in production update ;-)

So nothing imho to worry about :)

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nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

Thanks @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Installed on all three 450/100s, i will let you guys know how it goes.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) , @mvader (Victron Energy) , @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

Thank you and all Victron's developers a lot for everything !!!



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beat avatar image beat commented ·

Thank you @Alex Pescaru for looking closely at heat and documenting it!

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nesswill avatar image nesswill beat commented ·
Yes well said:)
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beat avatar image
beat answered ·

Updated both MPPT 450/100 without issues. But today is way too dark to get 30A at any time. :-) Tomorrow could be better.

One thing that I noticed during upgrade from VRM:

As usually, connection is lost to the 3 MPPT 100/20 and the MPPT 150/35 on the Cerbo GX just after upgrade. I guess this is normal, or maybe not?, since the master PV is changing.

But this time I also noticed that the grid-meter was in "Lost communication" for almost a minute after the upgrade on the Cerbo GX (running currently v3.20-30). That is probably unrelated with the beta improvements of MPPT 450/100, but rather surprising, since, it's a RS484-USB-linked independent EM540 grid meter from Carlo Gavazzi, and thus not running on th VE.CAN bus linking the 2 MPPT 450/100.

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teezee avatar image
teezee answered ·

Thank you for the updates! Today was quite sunny, but snow covers parts of the panels. Since beta 04 the performance of both strings has significantly improved. The search window allows seems to work until up to two panels, which makes sense, as one panel has voc of ~38. So at least two halfcut-parts needs to be in series to be higher then 65V. I would like to scan more deeper, but I is the hard limit to charge the batteries.

I do not understand the behavior of tracker 1 sometimes. I wasn't able to observe exactly what is going on the roof, but I guess it should be quiet a constant output, with a current nearly of tracker 2.

I installed 05 just now, and will tell you if I note some difference. ATM the changes seems not to affect my system. I wonder if you could tell me, if the fan control will now rise the power generation in the summer, when heat throttling occurs. I had problems in the summer, that at ~25°C the output was limited by around 1500W.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Probably one or more panels on tracker 1 were covered and they weren't able to add to the string's total voltage.

When tracker1 tries to draw some current from the string, the voltage of that string is dropping below the trackers minimal voltage (about 60V now) and the tracker is shutting down.

Then the voltage is rising again, above the tracker's start voltage (about 100V) and the tracker starts and the phenomena repeats.

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teezee avatar image teezee Alex Pescaru commented ·

That might be true. I wonder about the 10-minute interval, but nevermind.

Today was perfect!

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teezee avatar image teezee teezee commented ·


I like to add a third sunny day from yesterday. The performance has increased a lot! That is great. I wonder, why the power output of tracker one is below the power of one module. The partitial shadows are most of the time only on single modules. I would assume that with two fully illuminated modules the power should be at least around 2*425W. There are 4 modules in total on that string.

I have 5100Wp installed on the roof, and with no shadows the power does not exceed 3800W and levels off at 3500W. I observed the same behavior in the summer where I thought it was going into temperature limitation. But the basement is cold at the moment. Are there any charging limitations due to the feed-in limitation to 4.6kVa/4000W with a single phase Multiplus II? I know it has to limit the power when that battery is full, but I want it to charge the battery faster, which is capable of 4800W.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru teezee commented ·

Hi @teezee ,

Don't forget about the real power, NMOT power, which for a 425W panel is about 320W...

So you think you have 4*425 = 1700W, but in fact you have 4*320 = 1280W.... Only about 75% of STC power.

So those max 3800W are pretty close for a 5100W STC.

This is true for any type of panel and manufacturer... Yet... :-))

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

It's PERFECT! Much cooler inverter!

Now I also realized another thing, based on the document that @beat posted about airflow sound proofing.

When the DCDC fan was not functioning, but the ACDC was, a part of the warm air blown by the ACDC fan, because of the upper airflow restriction introduced by the upper grille configuration, was deflected and returned somehow in a downside manner, through the the left side, the DCDC side, somehow restricting the natural convection of the DCDC side and making the DCDC side even hotter.

I kept wonder why the extreme upper left side of the inverter (there where the PE wire is) was getting the most warmer... This somehow solves that mystery. See below what I am trying to say...

Now that the DCDC fan is starting earlier can equalize that flow and the result is an much cooler inverter! Perfect!



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lee-taylor avatar image
lee-taylor answered ·

Thanks for your efforts @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) I have uploaded beta 5 today and so far it looks to be an improvement. I cant speak for the partial shading improvements as we have unbroken sunshine currently. I had reverted to 1.15 as I was getting frustrated with the 1.16 beta. However this version was also problematic. I found that it would appear to work ok for a while, but then would limit total power to around 500w. Switching off and on again seemed to allow it to run normally but after a while the power would drop despite no change in solar output.

The mppt unit works ok albeit it is from the batch that have issues HQ2216 I did try to contact the supplier to get it replaced ( but never got a response. I dont think it is faulty though as I have not had the Error #200 but I was seriously considering getting an mppt 250/85 for one string.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

I've also observed that limitation on the total PV power with the 1.15 version...

But last 1.16beta is, in my opinion, doing its job much, much better than 1.15 regarding finding the maximum power point and staying there.

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lee-taylor avatar image lee-taylor Alex Pescaru commented ·

Thanks Alex, it seems to be working well so far. Although one oddity. I have two sets of panels both 6 x 370w so potentially 2.22kW per tracker. Yesterday after adding beta 5 I had this....screenshot-2024-01-19-at-142339.png

Which seems rather unlikely. One set of panels faces South East, the ones showing 3kW face South West this was around 14:30 GMT so I expect the SW facing panels to output more but 3kW seems a bit optimistic. However the performance now seems more like what the panels should produce overall.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru lee-taylor commented ·

Indeed, odd power on one tracker and almost nothing on the other...

Maybe the first tracker is exactly during rescan process, but the second tracker is quite big...

I've also had power peaks, especially after the sun is suddenly emerging from behind clouds, but not as big as yours, almost 50% more than the max.

But at least we know that the trackers are trying their best for solar harvesting...

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi developers,

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) , @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

Today was a sunny day, without clouds, after a snowy day. Panels were partly covered with snow.

From the looks, because they have 3 diodes and the total VOC is about 240V, they were covered 2/3.

A few times, one of the trackers seemed to find a wrong maximum point...

Could be the scan too quick? Could be the granularity of the scan too big?

Can the power average between the two sampling points to be a little bit off?

See in the picture below...

Anyway, it's much better than 1.15, for sure, but if it's room for improvements, why not? :-)))

Thanks for listening!



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Hi @Alex Pescaru ,

These first few peaks, which you highlighted with ???? are samples of the reading taken exactly during the short scan.

And the 5 minutes one looks to be the wrong choice indeed, we'll look into that further later; now first we'll release v1.16 officially.

Thank you, and others, again for all help in getting this sorted!


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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy) , @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Thank you for your response and explanation.

Before releasing the 1.16, could you please look at this below?

At least the idea of Battery SOC, besides others? It will really be helpful.

Thank you very much for listening.

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Related Resources

Mutli RS Solar Datasheet

Mutli RS Manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic