
daniel-allebrandt avatar image
daniel-allebrandt asked

Mppt 450/100 - not having MPPT or is the shadow management just extremely bad

Does the mppt 450/100 actually do mppt - it sure doesn't seem like it. I have an Victron Installation having an East Side string with 7 panels and a West Side string with 9 panel.

Now in Winter on the west string I have 4 panels completely covered with snow, while 2 are completly free and the remaining 3 should loose 1/3 each. However, the string produces basically nothing. There are just brief moments where the mppt drops voltage and the string starts producing. But then it seems to decide that's too much power and rather chill out again - ups voltage and drops current to almost zero.

I already suspected this in summer because on the east side I have a moving shadow from a chimney and the behavior is similar.

So is victrons shadow management non existent or does it simply not look for the maximum power? Or maybe bypass diodes don't work as advertised.



mppt state
2 |3000

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nesswill avatar image nesswill commented ·

Have you read this?

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daniel-allebrandt avatar image daniel-allebrandt nesswill commented ·
No I hadn't - will try it.

Thank you...

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