
boat-green avatar image
boat-green asked

Victron Lithium SuperPack battery 12v 200ah. Charging profile with Victron Blue smart charger.


Apologies if this has already been answered, but I'm getting a bit confused by all the info I found so far.

I have just purchased a Victron Lithium SuperPack 12v 200ah battery, which will be installed in my boat in June 2024. It has been recommended that I charge the battery to 13.4v in the meantime to allow for possible low voltage when it was shipped or in the warehouse.

I purchased a Victron 12v Blue smart charger so I can do the first charge before the installation and I wanted to check if I should use the standard Li-ion charge profile or if the (advanced menu) Smart Lithium (LiFePo4) profile would be better?

The only difference I can see in the profiles is that the Float voltage is enabled (13.50V) for the Smart Lithium (LiFePo4) profile.

Also, just to check, because my Lithium Superpack battery has a built in BMS it is safe to charge this way. As opposed to the Lithium Smart battery, as it has no BMS to protect itself. Is this correct?

Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you.

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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Boat-Green because my Lithium Superpack battery has a built in BMS it is safe to charge this way.

According to the Data Sheet the battery will "The internal switch will disconnect the battery in case of over discharge, over charge, low or high temperature."

Use the standard Li-ion battery preset in the Blue Smart Charger.

Dont forget to regularly "fully" charge the battery monthly until it the charger goes into the float cycle.

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boat-green avatar image boat-green commented ·

Thanks for the info @klim8skeptic! The thing that still confuses me, was that the Standard Li-ion profile has Float voltage disabled. The Superpack data sheet mentions the float being 13.50V. Does that matter at all?screenshot-2024-01-15-at-142729.png

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ boat-green commented ·

@Boat-Green Does that matter at all?

For Lithium batteries there is no difference whether the the battery is being held at 13.5v during either float or storage charge stage. Use either the Li ion or Smart Lithium presets. Both presets are suitable for your Li Superpack battery.

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regman54 avatar image
regman54 answered ·

@Boat-Green A little confusing indeed. I'm guessing 'disabled 'means the float setting can not be changed? That said if the float voltage was indeed 13.5 it would be less cofusing if it said -13.5 (Not Adjustable)- or something to that effect.

Personally, rather than take a chance, I would use the LiFePo4 profile as both the absorption & float settings match what is found in the Data Sheet linked to above.

If I'm wrong I hope someone can explain in more detail why, for your battery, one is preferred over the other.

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