
thomas-downing avatar image
thomas-downing asked

BuckBoost/ Orion Xs VE Smart Network

img-4752.pngHello, I have a shunt in a smart network. There is an option on the Orion Xs for a low temp cut off, it says you need to be in a smart network for this to take place. Makes sense however I cannot see any option to add the Orion XS to a smart network?

I am on the latest firmware 1.0.0

VE.Smart Networkorion xssmart buckboost
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16 Answers
kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

I don't think that the Orion has VE.Smart Network. Connect it to a Cerbo or GX Device via VE.Direct is the only way.

Best Kirsten

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thomas-downing avatar image thomas-downing commented ·
It specifies Smart Network in the screenshot and in the manual, I thought this meant I did not need a gx device?
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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

I am curious what product you have, as to the best of my knowledge the Orion XS won't be available in any market for at least another 10 weeks - will you post a photo of your component please?

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thomas-downing avatar image thomas-downing commented ·

Hey @Justin Cook sure thing. img-4729.jpeg

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ thomas-downing commented ·
Oh wow, one of the pre-release models from before the re-name! Functionality on that one is going to be a question for your distributor, then - not sure if those early units had VE.Smart Networking enabled or not.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

We also received our first units yesterday. :)

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kstyler avatar image kstyler Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Mine is also on the way to Munich. Very curious
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ kstyler commented ·
My availability in North America always lags well behind availability in Europe, understandably
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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @Thomas Downing

VE.Smart networking is not yet available on the Orion XS. We are working on adding it to the firmware, but I cannot say anything on when this functionality will be released.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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cstenger avatar image cstenger commented ·

You better add this soon, the community is upset and the lack is really a shame for Victron.. and if you do so, please with different sources possible for not ony OUTPUT voltage, but INPUT as well.

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bohne avatar image bohne cstenger commented ·
Echt traurig. haben noch nie so Desaster erlebt. Victron verkauft Produkte wo die Software noch nicht mal das erfüllt was sie angeben was möglich ist. Hätte nicht gedacht das so etwas möglich ist. Das schlimmste erst gäbe es in der cerbo die Beta 3.20-37 die wurde auf einmal auch gelöscht. jetzt wird der Orion nicht mal mehr erkannt.
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andrea-m avatar image andrea-m commented ·
Hello Thiemo,

Appreciate you cannot comment on when but can you at least confirm that this functionality will be implemented at some point in the future?

This has been a significant gap of the previous "smart" Orion generation and having already an lineup of mppt/smart shunt/battery sense products in my vehicle it would be very disappointing if the new Orion XS was not designed with VE smart network capabilities in mind.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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Hi @Thomas Downing

As said, we are currently working on adding this feature so there is a very high probability that it will be released in the near future, but we will never give a 100% guarantee.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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thomas-downing avatar image thomas-downing Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Hey @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

Thanks for the information. I would say the V.E Smart Network is explicitly mentioned in the manual, and did come into my purchasing decision. So if you cannot give a 100% guarantee, I would not have it in the manual.



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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ thomas-downing commented ·

@Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff)

Said working on adding it in the firmware. So that will be an update via Victron connect when it's released. I'm guessing that by 100% guarantee he was referring to release date, not whether it would be implemented.

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cstenger avatar image
cstenger answered ·

When (please not IF) the network function will be added to the Orion XS firmware, will it be able to read and use BMV and SmartSense voltages as well?

Cause the voltage readings of the Orion 12/12-30 are far from annoying, frankly they make me angry!

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dellmassive avatar image
dellmassive answered ·

just come here to raise a ticket and see same thing..

were running lithiums so need a way to shut off the DC-DC, the previous Renogy DC-DC had a plug in temp sensor that was used.


Though its nice to see the New XS VE direct, thats a start.


install guide shows VE Smart via BT.

BMV smart sharing temp data, , ,


but no VE Smart on Orion XS - FW 1.02



well try and conect to the CERBO via VE-direct for now.

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dellmassive avatar image
dellmassive answered ·

Orion XS, plugged VE direct into CERBO GX,

it was found in the device list . . . but didnt appear on the main page,?

nor could the XS read the temp sensors . . .?

so is the XS FW not ready for GX connections?



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Hi @dellmassive

The current Venus OS release unfortunately does not support the Orion XS. For this, at least version 3.20~24 is needed.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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bohne avatar image bohne Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
Und wieso schaltet ihr das einfach ab . Echt unmöglich.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ bohne commented ·


Wie schon bei Facebook geschrieben wurde die 3.20 Beta nicht gelöscht oder deaktiviert, sondern nur raus genommen für eine 3.14 Beta, da es immer nur eine Beta Version geben kann.

Im FW Menü solltest du die Möglichkeit haben, auf die letzte Beta zurück zu gehen und dann schaltest du einfach die automatischen Updates aus (sollte man meiner Meinung nach sowieso immer).

Oder du lädst dir hier noch mal das letzte Beta image herunter:

Venus GX & Octo GX: use the beaglebone folder.
Color Control GX: use the ccgx folder.
Cerbo GX: use the einstein folder.
MultiPlus-II GX and EasySolar-II GX: use the nanopi folder.

Das die volle Unterstützung zum Release noch nicht gegeben ist, ist natürlich dennoch nicht schön, da bin ich wie gesagt auch schon mit Matthijs Vader (CEO von Victron) in Kontakt.

VE.Smart Networking wird nun vermutlich recht zeitnah nachgereicht.

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bohne avatar image
bohne answered ·


echt schade das ein Pordukt mit funktionen beworben wird und dann nicht die Funktionen hat. In der Cerbo ist es jetzt auch verschwunden. Echt traurig. Wann wird das ganze denn in der Cerbo unterstütz und wann kommt das VE network. das steht ja auch in der der Anleitung. MFG

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cstenger avatar image cstenger commented ·
Keep up the pressure!

The new Orion needs the network upgrade utterly urgent. It's anyways embarrassing enough the delivered the first models with faulty L-H pin soldering AGAIN, like with the old Orions before (I had a faulty one for instance)

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fitmydashcam avatar image
fitmydashcam answered ·

This needs to be added sooner.
The core features should be available to users upon release of the product - if it is not ready, then it should not be shipped.

The same is true for the communications to the GX device, a user should not need to run a beta firmware to enable any features as standard.

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kstyler avatar image kstyler commented ·
Hey, I would always prefer to have the product earlier and get some software features later on the way. And I don't understand the complaining the product works and produces 50a all the time. Huge step forward in comparison to the old Orion. For sure VE.Smart and VRM Features are welcome but this products works and charges my batteries, that's all what counts at the moment.
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cstenger avatar image cstenger kstyler commented ·
Does it output 50A all the time? No, it doesn't if configured to standard, as it doesn't read donor and receiver voltages correctly. Without have the chance to let it use BMV and BatterySense voltages, it can only perform worse than competitor products.
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dellmassive avatar image
dellmassive answered ·

it does seem a bit odd to release the unit to market, when the FW isnt ready?

thats why i bought the XS , due to the new features (over the Orion 12/12/30) . . . fitted the new kit.

only to find none if it works as expected ! - (until the FW`s of the various units are ready)

would have been better to state that these "features" will be added at a later date.

lets hope Victron pull there finger out and get the FW working soon.

while we on the matter . . .

"can we not just have VE-Smart BT linking with the CERBO instead of VE-Direct cable.???? . . . in my ideal world we would have a CERBO, BT linked to VE-Smart, all over BT (Smart MPPT + Smart shunt + RoVVe temps, Orion XS + Inverter with BT dongle ) - is that feature to much to ask? - or a technical mountain?"

i actually bought a Globallink 520 as it showed that it will connect to multiple devices via BT including XS . . . only to find out after that it has no live reporting (15min updates) and intermittent data over BT link, so VE-Direct is preferred. . . = Back to square one. GRRRR!!!



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cstenger avatar image
cstenger answered ·

frankly 15min intervals are known with the globallink.

realtime would be nice, but would as well produce more mobile traffic. having it configurable in minute intervals could be a solution to this.

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dellmassive avatar image
dellmassive answered ·

beta version of connect APP,

and Beta CERBO GX FW has now added the XS to Connect APP.

which also upps the FW in associated devices ie BMV712

all good progress.


which gives us remote connection to the XS.

but still not seen as a separate on VRM, but does shows as a separate DC via the shunt.


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi All,

Firstly thank you for the interest in the Orion XS, demand has exceeded our expectations.

The datasheet has been updated to make clear that VE.Smart Networking as well as integration into Venus OS/VRM doesn't work yet.

Our apologies for those, it shouldn't have happened and we want to do better so that it doesn't happen again.

There was another clarification regarding the european Automotive standard ECE R10-5. Our internal testing shows it complies, but still needed testing and certification externally, which is in progress. The datasheet has been updated to the more accurate "pending".

Venus OS

Orion XS support for Venus OS is coming in v3.20. As soon as possible, datasheets says March. Includes monitoring locally as well as over VRM. And includes DVCC:

  1. Current limiting whereby DVCC will give first priority to Solar, then DC/DC Converter and AC (chargers & inverter/chargers) comes last.
  2. SVS - Shared Voltage Sense
  3. STS - Shared Temperature Sense (for the battery, not the alternator - we're not now getting into alternator temperature measurements. It would require much more)
  4. SCS - Shared Current Sense - to make the Orion stop charging and switch to float once battery is full and no longer accepts current.

All above features already work in Venus OS v3.20 beta versions.

Orion XS VE.Smart Networking

This will go into internal testing soon, and we hope for a quick release.

Towards those efforts support will be limited to:

  • Shared Vsense
  • Shared Tsense
  • Shared Isense

And that is it.

We will not support synced charging for now, nor any time soon. I hope that is not too much of a dissapointment, but we really believe the rest is a much higher priority, with synced charging perhaps not ever being necessary.

If you feel very strongly different, please hold on to it at least until the rest of the feature set is released.

One other common question is "Can I put a temperature sensor on the alternator?"

The answer is no. And the amount of alternators/systems where that is required is quite low; that is more something for high output systems like the our 100A Buck boost DC-DC Converter, or smart alternator regulators such as the Wakespeed or Arco Zeus, trying to get maximum output of a certain alternator.

Again, if you feel very strongly that we have it wrong on this, please wait and let us focus on the core feature set first before we open the debate.

Thanks all again, aside from the missteps above, we are super proud of this product and how it is performing. The R&D team is strongly motivated to continue improving this model and also expanding the range.

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jjduke avatar image jjduke commented ·
Thank you for the update.

With regard to the expansion: when is the XS 24/12 expected?

1 Like 1 ·
Not sure yet, I expect to hear an update about its status in June for Intersolar.

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nebulight avatar image nebulight Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
FYI another vote for a 24/12 ;)
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umgfoin avatar image umgfoin commented ·

> We will not support synced charging for now, nor any time soon.
> I hope that is not too much of a dissapointment, but we really believe the rest is a much higher priority, with synced charging perhaps not ever being necessary.

Hello @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ,
thanks for providing more details on the Orion XS.
If synced charging is not planned for the near future, how is the recommended setup for a dual/parallel charge system e.g. between SmartSolar MPPT and Orion XS both charging into a common battery? Is it required to disable the SmartSolar when the Orion gets active upon alternator/engine-start or harmonises this even without
synced charging-states?

Thanks and br,


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Hi @umgfoin,

When using the Orion XS alongside a Solar MPPT there is no need to do any special configuration or adjustment. They will happily charge alongside each other in most circumstances. Using the shared voltage sense maybe useful to improve accuracy, but it is also not necessary.

The exceptions to that perfectly optimised performance may occur if the battery voltage is received as high on one of the chargers (most likely the MPPT) when it starts and then it goes straight to float stage bypassing a bulk charging stage. This is not a certain to occur situation, and the worst case is that some efficiency is lost and there is a longer charge time required.

It will self correct on the next cycle.

If this does become a big issue for many people, then synchronisation of the charge states will be investigated further by R&D, but not before.

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cstenger avatar image cstenger commented ·
Thanks for the headsup @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Will the VE.Smart Networking feature Starter Battery Voltage sensing using a Smart Battery Sense at the starter battery?

That's from my standpoint utterly important and crucial to maintain proper current output. Thanks!

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Hi @cstenger

A solution for this is still in the research phase.

We understand the issue.

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cstenger avatar image cstenger Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Good to hear, hope you‘ll publish it soon this year. Cause the voltage drop at the output can be easily compensated by setting the tail current, to keep it in Absorption as long as possible.

Workaround for the input on the other hand would be to set shutdown and lock-out voltage to an unhealthy low value.

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I don't have any insights into a time line but it's with R&D.
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Christian Lindermann avatar image Christian Lindermann cstenger commented ·

Thanks @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) for the detailed information.

Is this feature (Voltage from the starter Battery) available via Cerbo/Venus OS?

And another question, when will the Orion XS be widely available here in Germany?


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ Christian Lindermann commented ·

On supply we are completely transparent. We publish confirmed orders and delivery dates to our e-order system for direct customers to access.

Those quantities and dates are not fixed, we're speeding up the ramp-up now due the unexpectedly high demand; so times will move forward, and quantities will increase.

If an order is placed with us, then customers will receive updates if it is available sooner than expected (or if there is an unexpected delay).

We have also paid to expedite shipments by sending them via AIR, rather than sea container. A big advantage that this new model is so much smaller and lighter :)

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Christian Lindermann avatar image Christian Lindermann Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Great, thx! Cant´s wait to get mine and replace the "heater" (Orion Smart) :-)

And about this one?: ;-)

Is this feature (Voltage from the starter Battery) available via Cerbo/Venus OS?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ Christian Lindermann commented ·
Starter battery voltage support still in R&D.
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kstyler avatar image kstyler commented ·
Any updates when the Firmware for the VE.Smart Network functionality will be available as beta? Thanks
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kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

Just installed fimware 1.03 with the VE.Smart Support. Thanksimg-3208.png

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Hi @Kstyler

Do you also have the Orion XS connected to a GX device (CCGX, CerboGX, etcetera)? Did you install the latest release 3.20 on there? The reason I am asking is because the networking does not show that it is using any data from another device, which would typically be the case when it is connected to a GX device with DVCC enabled. And in that case there is no use in having VE.Smart networking enabled.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kstyler avatar image kstyler Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
Hi Thiemo,

yes I'm using it with a cerbo gx on 3.20. What would indicate that it is using the voltage from network?

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Hi @Kstyler

The box under "DIESES GERÄT" would then show something like this (in English): 1707901331436.png

It should become visible when you disconnect the Orion XS from the Cerbo for 2 minutes. To be clear, it is using the battery voltage to do voltage compensation on the output, not on the input voltage.

But again: There is no use to have VE.Smart networking enabled when all the devices are connected to a GX device and the GX device has DVCC enabled.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kstyler avatar image kstyler Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
Thanks, I've deactivated DVCC, since I make no use out of it. In my case the distance from the Orion to the house battery is about 3 meters. Voltage compensation will optimize for that. Also in my case a compensation for the voltage from the starter battery is not necessary since the starter battery is very close to the Orion.
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cstenger avatar image cstenger Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
Any idea when output voltage compensation will be released? That's way more relevant due to the normally longer wiring.
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Hi @cstenger

The battery voltage in the VE.Smart network is assumed to be the house battery, which is normally connected to the output of the Orion XS. So VE.Smart networking at the moment does output voltage compensation. This also means that a SmartBatterySense or BMV/SmartShunt that has its main connection (not aux connection) on a starter battery should NOT be added to the same VE.Smart network.

I cannot say anything about input voltage compensation functionality.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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cstenger avatar image cstenger Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Sorry, I mixed it up. That's logical. But I meant the input voltage compensation.

It is really, really needed and proven by 1. demand of your users, and 2. by your competitors (such as Votronic) having an input voltage compensation. By for instance using a SmartBatterySense at the starter battery.

As already commented elsewhere, the tail current can be configured in a way that the Orion does not switch to float too early. It will then sit for a long time in absorption, but that's ok.

What's more annoying is the Orion thinking the input voltage is too low, hence decreasing the current.

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kstyler avatar image kstyler Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

This morning I realized that the DC Power is accounted different with the Orion XS. While the charging from the MPPTs are are not calculated as negative value to the DC Power it does with the Orion XS. Will you change that?

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Hi @Kstyler

What version Venus OS do you have installed?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kstyler avatar image kstyler Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Version 3.30-10
And Orion XS with 1.02


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Hi @Kstyler

Do you perhaps have a screenshot of what you mean with the difference in DC power calculation?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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kstyler avatar image kstyler Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Hi @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff): Running 3.30/13 and Orion XS 1.03. The charging from the Orion can be seen as Generator and also in the DC Widget. There with negativ value.img-3321.jpg

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ kstyler commented ·


Please report bugs/issues with the Venus OS beta in the beta topic:

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bohne avatar image bohne kstyler commented ·
der orion hat die aktuelle 1.03 bitte mal updaten
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kstyler avatar image kstyler bohne commented ·
Hallo, habe ich. Ist das gleiche Problem auch mit Version 1.03. VG
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kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

@Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) I've deactivated the DVCC and checked that the Orion shows the hint that it uses current and voltage from the shunt. But when looking at the app I see differences between the shunt and the orion? How is this supposed to work? Should the Orion show the values from the smart shunt? Or will it compensate without showing? Thanks



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Hi @Kstyler

The Orion XS will always show its own measurements.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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bohne avatar image bohne Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Genau so. In der APP steht auch Eingang und Ausgang.

Das wird wohl nur in der berechnung berücksichtig. Leider wird auch noch nicht die am shunt gemessen Starte batterie spannung verwerdent. aktuell wird nur die Ausgnagsspannung durch die Aufbaubatterie spannung berücksichtig. Ich hoffe sie bessern da noch nach.

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kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

@Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) are there any updates when the Orion XS will be shown in the VRM Overview?

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Hi @Kstyler

I've put the request to the VRM team.

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cstenger avatar image
cstenger answered ·

@Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) / @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Guys, we need Battery Input voltage drop compensation through The Orion XS needs to be able to use - for instance - the voltage of a SmartBatterySense at the starter voltage. In most applications, the Orion is installed far away from the engine bay, hence quite a high voltage drop and the input terminal due to high current and cable length.

Please take this - again - to the development team. This would be a REAL improvement.

My 2 cents: output voltage drop isn' that critical, as the Orion XS can use the tail current to not prematurely switch to Float. The battery will always be fully charged. But the wrong input voltage may limit the output current, right?

Please Please Please ..

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Smart Networking Manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Orion XS product page

Orion XS datasheet

Orion XS manual (html)
