
Florian avatar image
Florian asked

Cerbo GX sends unsolicited data via USB to RS232

Hi! When I connect a FT232 USB to serial converter to the Cerbo GX it starts sending unsolicited data periodically (every few seconds). Checking with an oscillosope, I found at least two different baudrates being used. I tried with normal and large Venus OS image, both the same. How can I disable this? It is screwing the intendet communication. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Venus OScommunication protocol
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1 Answer
telekatz avatar image
telekatz answered ·
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

Florian avatar image Florian commented ·

Thanks a lot telekatz!

Unfortunately, only the temporary solution (/opt/victronenergy/serial-starter/ ttyUSB0) works for me.
When I make the serial starter to ignore the RS232R_USB_UART permanently (by adding a line in /etc/udev/rules.d/serial-starter.rules), also the grid meter, which uses the same chip, is not detected anymore.

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telekatz avatar image telekatz Florian commented ·

As described in the link, use ft_prog to program your FTDI adapter with a unique ID and ignore only this one in serial-starter.rules.

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Florian avatar image Florian telekatz commented ·

Crappy FT_PROG is not working for me. It pretends to program, but after a refresh the old valuses show up...

Found another workaround: I placed the command to disable serial-starter for USB1 in the file "/etc/rc0.d/K00watchdog". It is executed after every startup. Not nice but works fo me :)

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