
simon263 avatar image
simon263 asked

Gen not detected when my batteries have depleted soc and or voltage level

We are running a 3 phase hybrid system using a cerbo GX, 3 x 15 kva inverters and its backed up by a 45kva generator. We have an intermittent fault of the generator not detected at AC.

We have checked the relays are all set up correctly with open and closed messages, we have ensured the battery charger is connected and the addtional water jacket heater on the generator is connecred to aid start up function on the unit in colder temperstures. We have changed the cranking permitres in the control panel it attempts 3 times before shut down.

The hybrid units are in remote areas where the auto function is vital however its letting us down. When we send an engineer to manual intervein and test the system it will work, once left fot a few hours it just stops seeing the generator upon request. The invertors see the message directly from the pylontec batteries can bus system. We have the soc and the voltage level set in the low level perimeters.

It seems to me we have a communication error for when the batteries are depleted and it requests help from the generator, the message is sent however the link is broken remotely becuase it just fails to start.

Can you help or offer any advise?

generator auto start
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


So a few questions,

1. Is the generator failing to start?

2. Or is the inverter system not actually receiving the voltage when the generator has started?

3. Is the generator starting, sending voltage, there is voltage at the inverter terminals, but the system not detecting/realising it?

Do you have any ats (not switching) or other switchgear that could be causing the issue? (Such as a not so great breaker not letting all phases through)

Does the generator have LOM detection? If it does it may be worth manipulating that function instead and leave it to auto start.

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simon263 avatar image simon263 commented ·

1. Is the generator failing to start?

Yes, the inverters are sending the request and the gen is failing to start uppn request. Seems to happen when the system us left depleting for at least three hours.

2. Or is the inverter system not actually receiving the voltage when the generator has started?

Not sure, im not getting any other message then generator not detected.

3. Is the generator starting, sending voltage, there is voltage at the inverter terminals, but the system not detecting/realising it?

the inverters seem ok, if i manually intervien it works. Im not ruling anything out tho,

Do you have any ats (not switching) or other switchgear that could be causing the issue? (Such as a not so great breaker not letting all phases through)

we are using abb breakers, they are working on other types of trips but again not ruling anything out

Does the generator have LOM detection? If it does it may be worth manipulating that function instead and leave it to auto start.

No, we are using himonesa panels at the moment, currently up grading to DSE 7310 which equally do not have it.

Thank for your responses so far

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ simon263 commented ·
Ok I have not worked with those.

What type of signal do they need?

The DSE definitely more integration no with the new firmware.

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simon263 avatar image
simon263 answered ·

Its a volt free contact

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