
xzv avatar image
xzv asked

Cannot build ESS - setpoint is ignored

My setup: I have a Multiplus 48/800/9 and a Cerbo GX, combined with a LiFePo4 Pylontech BMS (connected via CAN). I also own a MK3 for using the VE Config tool.

My goal is to build an ESS whose logic is programmed in Node-RED. An external device supplies all the measured values of the house. The setpoint is calculated from this and then set in Node-RED.

My problem: after I was initially able to discharge the battery from 50 % to approx. 15 %, I can no longer get the inverter to apply the setpoint.

The battery is often charged (very slowly), but the setpoint is ignored, regardless of whether charging or discharging. When I manually set the switch to "Inverter only" the green light goes on but no discharging happens. The batteries and the inverter have no alarm or warning and the allowed (dis)charging current of the battery pack is high enough to allow any operation.

I have tried pretty much every setting in the Remote Console and in VE Connect, but nothing has helped. I suspect that I have not understood something somewhere or that a setting is blocking the desired operation.

Here are a few screenshots. I think I have tried out almost all variants and settings but nothing helped so far.

Can someone please guide me what else I could try?




cerbo gxESSVenus OSPylontech
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8 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Start by programming according to the official guide.

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xzv avatar image
xzv answered ·

Thanks for your hint. I carefully read the guide for Pylontech and set all settings accordingly.

One thing I forgot to mention is: It's a 16 cell battery (not 15) with a Pylontech BMS, with 51.2 Volts of nominal voltage.

I scaled all voltage levels suggested in the guide accordingly by multiplying them by (16/15).

Unfortunately again, this is what happened: Starting at 16 % SoC, I set a setpoint of -600 Watts and the system started a discharge accordingly. After about 10 minutes and reaching a SoC of 14 % the inverting stopped and an immediate kind of a forced charging with ~500 Watts started that I could not stop. Now it's stuck at 18 % and any setpoint I give (charging/discharing) is ignored.

I don't understand what's going on, especially I don't understand why the system behaves initially like I expect it to work until it goes into that kind of forced mode that I cannot exit in either direction.



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Does it feedback when you set feedback from DC from the actual ess feed -in menu? Instead of jimnying it with the grid set point? That is how it is designed to work. Keep battery life off.

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xzv avatar image xzv Alexandra ♦ commented ·

You mean changing the "AC-coupled PV" and "DC-coupled PV" setting? I tried all combinations, it didn't change the result.
In my setup, I don't have a PV connected on the Victron's DC or AC output side.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

From what I am remembering, the Victron team modified / overridden some values given by the Pylontech BMS in order to prolong the battery life.

A Pylontech battery comes, generally, with a 15 cell layout and when you apply something for a 15 cell to a 16 cell... who knows...

Maybe it's something conflicting there... What it is, what they believe, etc... And the worlds are colliding... :-))

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
This was done in Venus OS ver 3.0.
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I saw that later... Sorry.

Didn't got the chance to read all release notes... Yet. :-)))

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xzv avatar image
xzv answered ·

@Alex Pescaru I also read this but it was said that with GX firmware v3 it would work correctly also with 16-cell batteries. But I have no clue if or where I have to tell the GX that it's a 16 cell battery.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

The GX should read whatever the battery is telling it. Make sure the firmware is up to date.

Under the battery in the devices menu you can see what information has been shared there. Including cell number and capacity.

And whether the batty is allowing the charge and discharge.

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gerd-weiss avatar image
gerd-weiss answered ·


Check Battery>Parameter. There you find the limits the GX gets from the Battery dynamically, the maximum Voltage and Current the battery allows for the moment.



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xzv avatar image xzv commented ·

It's always 55.0 V (CVL), 50.0 A (CCL) and 50.0 A (DCL). So the BMS is always open to charge and discharge.

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gerd-weiss avatar image gerd-weiss xzv commented ·
Maybe you check the Advanced Page, Espresso. the System state widget and all the Battery Widgets. It might give you a hint in which state the ESS thinks it is - and the history.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ gerd-weiss commented ·


A 0A DCL means the battery is not allowing discharge.

55v CCL means the absorption in the system is a little high for the battery. What does the manual say for these batteries?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru Alexandra ♦ commented ·
He said dd.0 A. Maybe a typo or maybe, if it's real, some bug in sending or getting that value.

55v for a 16 pack means 3.43v per cell. On 15 pack is 3.54 (limited by Victron at 3.49) . So better anyway in the case of 16 pack.

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xzv avatar image xzv Alex Pescaru commented ·
Sorry, it was a typo. It's always 50 Amps in both directions, no limitations any time.
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jeanmarie avatar image
jeanmarie answered ·


so far I remember, there is a limit at 52,4V for pylontech due to the 15S structure.

obviously you have reprogrammed the BMS as it is showing 55V but what if some setting (internal to Victron) force the voltage as your battery is well recognized as a Pylontech.

Have you try to force the CVL from the DVCC menu to any voltage like 55 or 56 like it should be for a 16S structure (for respectively 3.43V and 3.5V per cell)?

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Not sure why you want to "reinvent" ESS. Maybe first get it working as Victron intended and then introduce the additional functions in node red. You state "An external device supplies all the measured values of the house." however, your grid metering is set to inverter/charger. Do you have loads on the ACOUT?

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xzv avatar image xzv commented ·
I also tried changing that setting to "external", but it didn't help to break through the 14 % SoC lower barrier with forced recharge.
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thanar avatar image
thanar answered ·

I would try with the BMS disconnected from the GX, just to make sure it's not some kind of BMS incompatibility.

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