
greg-nelson avatar image
greg-nelson asked

Verify CAN BMS connection from VictronConnect?

I have a BlueSolar MPPT 250/70-Tr VE.Can connected to a supposedly compatible BMS through the Victron-supplied BMS/Battery cable, with a Victron terminator on the Victron's other port. I have a Victron VE.Direct dongle connected to the MPPT. I can communicate with the MPPT through VictronConnect (phone app) just fine, and when I supply power for charging, I can see that.

Should I be able to see that there is a BMS connection or see some indication whether it is working correctly? I can't find anything in the VictronConnect user manual that talks about this, and I couldn't figure out if there was an existing topic here discussing it either.

MPPT ControllersBMSVictronConnect
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You can't connect BMS-Can to the VE.Can of the MPPT.

You need a GX device and connect everything there.

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greg-nelson avatar image
greg-nelson answered ·

Hmm. I am sad. I have to spend another $300 and add another (unspecified, but including BlueTooth and WiFi apparently) vampire load to my batteries just to let the MPPT be aware of fault conditions the BMS might need to report?

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Not at all unspecified - the datasheet details the load of the Cerbo.

As for the rest, yes, an MPPT has no way to directly communicate with a BMS - as noted right at the top of the Victron Communication Centres page, " integrate 3rd party lithium batteries, a GX device is required."

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