
electric-luke avatar image
electric-luke asked

Rs 450/200 with turbine feeding in dc power

Hi there we have a 8 kw turbine feeding through rectifiers to produce dc power into the rs 450/200 mppt. The mppt accepts the power for a very short period then kicks it out and continues on that pattern. The turbine has a dump that kicks in and out as the voltage fluctuates but if we connect a constant resistance on the alternator then the mppt stabilizers and accepts roughly 2kw worth of power. Have you guys heard of anything similar and have any solutions for us and could I share the site with you

Thanks Luke

@ so-electric

mppt rs
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

The RS450/100 id a solarcharger.

If you use it as windcharger instead of a propper windcharger, then you are on your own.

Oh, before I forget, the RS450/100 react slightly differerent from the SmartSolar MPPT 250/100.

I tried once my iSTA-Breeze i2000/48 with the SmartSolar MPPT 250/100 and then with a 3-Phase bridge Rectifier and thrn back with my WindMax2500 MPPT charger.

Using the SmartSolar is worse or even a nightmare, because you can kill your windmill if the windspeed exceed 12m/s.

Running the windmill with a 3-Phase bridge Rectifier reduced the charging to maximal 30Vx38A = 1140W, because the Vmpp is at 52,4V, BUT it give a perfect output.

Switchibg back to the WindMax2500 does not change anything until the Windsoeed goes over 9m/s and then the WindMax2500 show its potential.

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