
ashpro5 avatar image
ashpro5 asked

Multi plus 2 red light on low battery lost power

I have a victron multiplus 2 inverter charger and the low battery led is on red and we have no power to the house. It’s an off-grid setup with BYD batteries. The batteries have dropped to 1%. How do we charge the batteries and get back up and running?

The system has solar panels and the weather has been pretty bad so hasn’t charged the batteries and the generator failed to kick in.

We have tried to set the inverter to charge only (switch 2) with the generator on but doesn’t seem to have worked. It’s not showing the generator on the colour control. Any ideas?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Switch to charger only position on the GX. Are the batteries actually off or just the inverter?

Have the inverter shut down on SOC maybe 3% and restart at 5 / 6% that way if it starts with a load it can handle the surge.

It is preferable that the batteries remain on and the inverter shuts off rather than the batteries switch off.

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ashpro5 avatar image ashpro5 commented ·
Thanks that worked it needed to charge from the solar first then it allowed the generator to charge the batteries in addition to the solar.
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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@Ashpro5 What do you use to connect to the Multiplus? Is it a GX version, do you have a separate GX device or do you have a Bluetooth or USB adapter? Also, what is the voltage of the generator? When the generator is running, is there power on AC-Out1 and AC-Out2?

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ashpro5 avatar image ashpro5 commented ·
Hi Jason, we connect via the old colour control unit. Square touch screen device not the new GX type. The generator has a voltage of 230v and the power is coming through both AC1 and AC2.
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ashpro5 avatar image ashpro5 ashpro5 commented ·

Here are some photos


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