
bobbers avatar image
bobbers asked

Easy Solar 2 going straight to float via 2KV generator


I have an EasySolar2 48V agm battery bank that has been working great for the last year at an offgrid site. We're nearing the darkest time of year here in Scotland so we're keeping our lights on using a bog standard 2KV petrol generator. The Solar is in the shade of a hill at this time of year so it's useless. We were using a Honda20i which was very efficient and generally better, however I had to use it else where. I now have an open frame gene which is new out of the box and has worked well during testing. Once it was plugged in I noticed this new generator seems to mess with the charging and the system switches to float with the batteries soc barely at 50%.

I've tried interrupting equalization to go to absorption which helps put a bit more juice into them but it's not getting to bulk for some reason. It did this no problem with the smarter gene. I've updated firmwares across the system, it has a 1Gb internet connection and a networked PC on site for any remoting in. Has anyone seen this before and any suggestions as to what I need to change to sort it?

battery chargingGenerator
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1 Answer
bobbers avatar image
bobbers answered ·

What I see with the generator going....


hq-floaters.jpg (172.3 KiB)
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