
leemining avatar image
leemining asked

Multi Solar RS Grid Export

How can one setup the Multi Solar RS 48/6000 with an external CT Clamp to measure the non-essential loads. Can one then also configure the Multi Solar RS to export excess solar into the grid supply.

The idea behind this is to theoretically export excess solar in back into the inverter supply to theoretically reduce the electrical bill by supplying the non-essential loads with the excess solar.

The non-essential loads are not connected to the AC2 output as they draw sufficiently more power than what the inverter can handle.

The main idea is to measure and monitor the the non-essential loads, thus how would one connect an external CT clamp to the inverter. Also, I do have a Cerbo-S connected to the inverter.

And then also how would one configure the Multi Solar RS to export to the grid, I have not found a function on the inverter for this.

Multi RS
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

From the manual:

Full ESS is not supported

The Multi RS Solar does not yet support grid codes, and therefore does not yet fully support ESS installations. It is not yet known if the current hardware revision will be able to support grid codes, or ESS, via a firmware update in the future. Some ESS features are available, see ESS features topic for more details.

Without ESS support and grid codes you can't feed back or to parallel loads.

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mondeoman avatar image
mondeoman answered ·

Connect non-essential loads to AC OUT 2.

They will be measured by the internal CT of the inverter.

Careful not to exceed the max. 50 Amps input current with all the loads AC OUT 1 + AC OUT 2.

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agin avatar image
agin answered ·

@Victron : is there any time schedule now for getting the ESS grid export (4105 certificate in Germany)? Any hint?

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Auke avatar image Auke commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Do you have any idea about the schedule for the possibility to feed back in the grid in the Netherlands with a Multi RS Solar?

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