
ian0 avatar image
ian0 asked

Is the VE-CAN default network address fixed?

I have a Quattro. It uses a source (network) address of 0xE1 and 0xE2. (I know that I can edit it if necessary)

Are all Quattros shipped set to those network addresses?

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2 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hey, these are those addresses are dynamic.

Ie upon a conflict (two addresses that are the same at power-up/connection) one will automatically change itself.

As per the J1939 ACL procedure, ACL is short for address claim. To learn more, I recommend to google that.

Bu you can compare this to computer ip addresses in a LAN with a dhcp server, totally automatic, no need to worry about it, and most importantly: not to be relied upon for addressing.

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ian0 avatar image
ian0 answered ·

Thanks. I'll rewrite the question more clearly.. . .

My Quattro has set itself to 0xE1 and 0xE2.

If I bought another Quattro for a different project that will not be connected in any way to the first Quattro, would it set itself to 0xE1 and 0xE2?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Even though they seem quite static, those addresses are in reality dynamic. But stored on non-volatile memory so that unless the network changes (nodes added/removed) they'll be the same after a power cycle; and thus seem static.

That is all I can say about this I'm afraid.


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ian0 avatar image ian0 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you.

It's very useful to know that they won't change at random.

I am familiar with the Address Claim procedure, and that each device starts with an address it would like to claim, so presumed that a Quattro would claim the same address every time, if it could.

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