
johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic asked

How to remove mqtt devices from VRM?


I'm using to add additional temperature sensors to my Cerbo GX running v3.00

Having figureed out what I really want to display, I would like to go back to not having the additional sensors before I then re-add them how I'd like to see them.

I've removed them from the Cerbo - and made sure there is no remnant of them on DBus - but they are still present on the VRM dashboard - no sign of them on the devices list (but they never show there) and no apparent way to delete the 7 "HW (xxx)" entries on the dashboard.

Site is MSweet.

Can you help please?

Kind regards


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12 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·
Please report back your results.

The official front end fix is now in place and deleting temperature sensors from the device list will remove them from the dashboard as well. But for devices that don't appear in the device list that fix doesn't work.

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johnparvic avatar image johnparvic commented ·

Hi Guy & others

With a combination of the new functionality and some node-red gymnastics, I was able to remove all of the old devices from my system.

I sent the last-will disconnect message to remove the 3 active sensors from my system, but there were still 7 showing on the Dashboard but nothing in the Devices page.

I then re-added the 3 sensors to my system and now there were three entries on the Devices page so I resent the last-will disconnect and then was able to Delete them from the Devices page, but was still left with 4 ghosts present on VRM Dashboard but not on my system.

3 of these had been created with a different client code so I was able to recreate them on my system, and then remove them as above.

That left 1 ghost!

Using the Diagnostics page on VRM I could see it had a Product ID of 65535 rather than 41314 that the current version of mqtt-dbus-devices uses. So I temporarily changed the code to use 65535, recreated the device on my system, and then removed it as above.

All cleaned up and no more spooky devices.

I've also readded the 3 desired active sensors and all is working well.

Many thanks


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gone-sailing avatar image gone-sailing johnparvic commented ·
Just to be clear, you can send the disconnect message (i.e. a message with connected: 0 ) with just a simple publish message to the correct topic. The Last Will will ensure the disconnect message is sent automatically everytime the remote device looses contact with the MQTT server on the GX device. This is why usage of a Last Will is strongly encouraged.
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johnparvic avatar image johnparvic gone-sailing commented ·
Thanks, but this was not the problem I had originally.

I had sent the last will message and the dbus entries were gone from my system, but there was no entry in the device list on VRM for any of my mqtt temperature sensors even though they appeared on the dashboard.


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Michael Bergström avatar image Michael Bergström johnparvic commented ·

Can you explain in more detail what you did to resolve this, I have 12 ghosts on the VRM Dashboard, but none of them are represented on the Device page. I’m not sure that I follow on how to send ‘connected: 0’ and to where . I downloaded and installed 'mqtt-dbus-devices’ on my Pi, is there something more that I need, or can I send the bus message from the terminal with the mqtt-dbus-devices tool?

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johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) I know you are all busy with the latest release, but this is very frustrating - is there anything that can be done from your side to clear these ghost entries or provide a device list entry and delete button for them?

Many thanks

Kind regards


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johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·


These are all ghosts!

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johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·

Can someone please help with this?

There must be a way to flush these ghost devices from VRM!

Many thanks

Kind regards


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johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Could you please take a look at this for me?

Many thanks

Kind regards


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johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·

Could somebody please help with this problem?

@mvader (Victron Energy) ?

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ?

Kind regards


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Hi @johnparVIC,

Nothing can be done yet.

It is definitely on the list for the VRM team to resolve, but keeps getting pushed due to higher priorities.

I won't forget about it though because I have the same issue on my own site.

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johnparvic avatar image johnparvic Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks Guy for the response - I'll be patient now that I know that it is on the list!

Have a great Holiday Season!

Kind regards


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gone-sailing avatar image
gone-sailing answered ·

I have some Ruvi sensors registered in VRM that I disconnected from my GX device (I switched off Bluetooth), after a while a delete button appeared alongside them in the VRM Devices list. Perhaps you just have to wait a bit.

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johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·

Hi @gone-sailing

I've had this problem since November 14th and no delete button because there is no entry in the device list for these items!

Kind regards


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johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Just a thought - how about a simple filter for the UI where if no updates have been received for a few days, don't show these devices in the dashboard?

Kind regards


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Hi @johnparVIC

The solution is in sprint now, so I expect an update in the next couple of weeks.

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johnparvic avatar image johnparvic Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Excellent - thanks Guy!
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Martin Babic avatar image
Martin Babic answered ·

Hi there, any news about this? I would love to get rid of those. Or at least move them to the bottom of the list.1710846477515.png

Thank you

1710846477515.png (8.6 KiB)
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Martin Babic avatar image
Martin Babic answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager), any news? Thank you.

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gone-sailing avatar image
gone-sailing answered ·

@Martin Babic, Have you sent a disconnect message via dbus-mqtt-devices with "connected": 0 ?
For example:
{ "clientId": "fe001", "version": "v1.0", "connected": 0, "services": {"t1": "temperature", "t2": "temperature"}}

A device that is not connected should be able to be deleted in VRM.

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Martin Babic avatar image Martin Babic commented ·
I don't think I did. Will try. Thank you for tip.
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Please report back your results.

The official front end fix is now in place and deleting temperature sensors from the device list will remove them from the dashboard as well. But for devices that don't appear in the device list that fix doesn't work.

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gone-sailing avatar image gone-sailing Martin Babic commented ·
Please read the dbus-mqtt-devices README, especially the secton on using the MQTT "last will" option to send a disconnect message on loss of MQTT connection.
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