
tgsail1 avatar image
tgsail1 asked

Magnum RS485 "driver" issue

Hi- I wrote a simple code to read inverter/charger data from a Magnum Energy Inverter/Charger on my system.

It works and I am able to write the data to dbus and have them appear correctly on the Venus display (Rpi version).

I am using a Waveshare USB-RS485 converter (FT232RL-based, appears as ttyUSBx on the system).

The strange thing is that the connection causes errors on the Magnum side (the converter Tx light does go on occasionally).

My code only reads data and should not send any data capable of causing errors. Also, these errors occur even when my code is not running. They do not occur when the converter is powered but not connected to the Venus/Rpi.

I have concluded that the Venus OS is trying to talk to that port regardless of anything I am doing.

Is there a simple way to prevent the OS from talking to this port and defining it as something the rest of the OS should ignore?

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1 Answer
tgsail1 avatar image
tgsail1 answered ·

Never mind. Figured it out by reading the guidance on writing a driver. The "ignore" feature in serial-starter.rules worked, although did not.

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