
miami337 avatar image
miami337 asked

230V Quattro & 120V Multiplus - Can I charge with both simultaneously?

I have a 230V Quattro running on a 200Ah 24V lithium (Battleborn) battery. I also have a 110V Multiplus on the same battery. Both appear to be functioning fine, but I'm only running the Multi in Inverter mode and only charging with the 230v Quatro. Is there going to be a conflict if I turn both charger functions on? Or will I damage the inverter/chargers?

battery charging
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2 Answers
ben avatar image
ben answered ·

Yes, you can do that. It works best if they both have sense wires (identical readings of voltage) and identical charge profiles.

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miami337 avatar image miami337 commented ·

Thanks Ben. I'll attach sense wires to each inverter, but one last question - can I attach the sense wires to a bus bar where other DC connections are made or do they need to be directly on the battery itself? I only ask because the battery is in the other hull so it will a serious undertaking. Thanks!

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miami337 avatar image
miami337 answered ·

Thanks Ben. I'll attach sense wires to each inverter, but one last question - can I attach the sense wires to a bus bar where other DC connections are made or do they need to be directly on the battery itself? I only ask because the battery is in the other hull so it will a serious undertaking. Thanks!

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ben avatar image ben ♦ commented ·

Sure, you can use the bus bar. It’s more important to have both at the same point.

If there is a big resistive drop between the bus and the terminals, though, you’ll need to compensate for that manually, depending on your battery type and charge strategy.

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