
Bejan Catalin avatar image
Bejan Catalin asked

After 506 Firmware Update on Multiplus 12/1600/70-16 battery not charging

VE Conect 3_ not_ok_after Update_Fw to506.pngMultiplus 12/1600/70-16

VE_Connect 3 _settings ok_.png


Hi all,

I've upgraded the firmware on Multiplus over VRM portal from 505 to 506 (Device List -->FW update)

After this I noticed that the Floating Voltage on the dashboard was around 13,4V and kept decreasing until 12v. ....and no charge at all. The total percentage of battery was dropping slowly to 70%.

After few hours I downloaded the config file from the Victron Multiplus via VRM portal and opened with VE Config 3 and on the tab Charger I saw that he two parameters "Float Voltage" and "Absorption Voltage" were both set up at 12V With Charge current at 52A.

I have modified the two parameters "Float Voltage" to 13.8V and "Absorption Voltage" to 14.4V, and after this battery started to charge normaly.

Please advice if what I did was ok and if this update of firmware was supposed to modify this "Float Voltage" and "Absorption Voltage" to 12v both.

vrm firmware update
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4 Answers
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

That is normal .....

"After the firmware update is completed, the inverter is switched on again. The settings will have been reset to their defaults. And, to prevent overcharging, all charge voltages have been set to the nominal battery voltage, being 12V, 24V or 48V. This effectively disables the charger. Note that this works a bit different for systems with a managed battery, usually connected via a CAN-Bus. For such systems, the system will be charging, within limits as provided by the BMS."

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

When you update the firmware in a Multiplus the normal routine is you download the current settings, update the firmware, update the settings and then upload them. The update sets charge voltages low for safety. See excerpt below. Also, read the instruction file link below.

After the firmware update is completed, the inverter is switched on again. The settings will have been reset to their defaults. And, to prevent overcharging, all charge voltages have been set to the nominal battery voltage, being 12V, 24V or 48V. This effectively disables the charger.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Bejan Catalin

To echo both @Cardy01 and @pwfarnell answers. Virtual switch would have been activated by the few update as it resets to factory all settings except grid code.

So you need to reprogram.

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Bejan Catalin avatar image
Bejan Catalin answered ·

Thank you for all your time! Indeed now I understand this!

Thanks to you all!

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