
andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko asked

Multi RS Dual Tracker, to disable AC charger

Hi, community.

I'm using Multi RS in a cascade after Voltronic King 5000(DC coupled), which helps me both to get perfect 230V (King has double AC->DC->AC ) and 5000W+5800W system.

But when AC in is lost, battery V drops and Victron (ESS: keep battery charged) starts to charge battery from ACin which is ACout from King and drains battery fast.

Would be great to disable AC charger on Victron in order for it to just use MPPTs and run while battery is fine or untill AC restores and King charges battery if not enough solar.

But I can't find option to disable AC charger.

Also I can't find it via Node-red.

Also I know it could be disabled for MultiPlus inverters, so there is a hope my Multi RS can do the same.

I'm fine with it is hidden yet feature and use it if there is info how to run via Node-red.

Thank you in advance

chargermultiple inverterscharge current limit
2 |3000

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