
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob asked

Does MPPT provide power to run DC loads when batteries are full?

If batteries are full or are too cold and communicate to the system that they don't want a charge...and if the MPPT can produce power from the sun, will the MPPT provide charge to the bus to power DC loads on that bus?

I imagine in that situation if there is an AC load, the inverter would have the MPPT provide power to run those AC loads. Does the same happen to power DC loads on the bus even though nothing is really communicating to the MPPT about those loads?

mppt rs
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The mppt will have a BMS error #67 if the batteries are in the off state.l and not produce.

If the batteries are full and idle you will still get production if using ESS for AC loads.

For DC you will need a way for the system to know there are DC loads. Like a shunt.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

I have seen the batteries communicate an ESS #3 when they are full and don't want any more charge.

I didn't set up ESS as I'm off grid, and in my settings under ESS it says no ESS assistants found.

Good to know about the shunt and DC loads. I enabled "has DC system" in the settings and it shows DC power but I think it just guesses on that. If a shunt would make it so DC loads were factored into what the MPPT produces when batteries are full/too cold then I will look into getting one of those.

Many thanks!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ alaskannoob commented ·
In an off grid no ESS case, the system will restart production on the Mppts after it drops 0.1 or 0.4v under float depending on how you have programmed the mppts.
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