
jorgen avatar image
jorgen asked

Cerbo S GX connect to MFD issues

I have connected my Cerbo S GX to my B&G Vulcan, with ethernet cable and adaptor cable. I have followed the instructions about setup of The Cerbo on the display. The icon for the Victron app is present on the MFD display, but when I click on it, all I see is a blank page. I have tried update on the "home" button on the MFD, but all to no avail. Is there a trick somewhere in the setup, that I am unaware of????

cerbo gx
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
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jorgen avatar image
jorgen answered ·

Yes, I have followed the instructions in the text about MFD connection (also "has DC") but no joy.....sadly

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image
Martin (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Jorgen , it sounds like something is not supported by your Vulcan MFD rendering the page blank, while we have listed the Vulcan as compatible. Which model Vulcan do you have and is it on the latest version? Do you mind if we log in remotely to see if we can identify the cause? You need to enable remote support via Settings -> General -> Remote Support. The site is LunaofC...., right?

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jorgen avatar image
jorgen answered ·

Thank you @Martin (Victron Energy) .I have made sure that my Vulcan 7R is updated. It is from 2020. You are welcome to login and analyse. Sorry, but I have not been able to locate the remote support option on my vrm-site?

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

It is not on VRM, but on the user interface of your Cerbo-S GX. In the menu you can to to Settings -> General -> Remote Support, see manual.


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jorgen avatar image jorgen Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks for specifying that....remote support is now enabled on my Cerbo GX
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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ jorgen commented ·
I'm afraid it looks like some features we are using in the Marine app is not supported by the browser on the Vulcan, likely because the browser is outdated or it is lacking some features. We are currently beta testing the redesign of our Marine app in VenusOS v3.20, see here. This design uses the same browser features as the current one, so I'm afraid it won't fix it, but its maybe worth a try. You should at least see a proper error message instead of a white page.
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jorgen avatar image jorgen Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
OK, I tried the mentioned update on the Cerbo S GX but still no joy on the MFD app. I guess it doesn't work on a 3 year old Vulcan 7 though I have updated that to latest version.

I also have a 7 year old Zeus 12 but I guess that is not really an option either.

A shame, because I really like the interface and option to view on the MFD, and I'm extremely happy with my Victron setup on the boat.

Thanks for trying

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nbo avatar image nbo Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Do you perhaps know if this also applies for the Vulcan 9?

Good to know before I buy a Victron Cerbo for our boat. ;)

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ nbo commented ·
The Vulcan 9 appears to be compatible with the HTML5 technology we use but so is the Vulcan 7R. However, the latter lacks some crucial browser features our app uses. I don't know if the same applies to the Vulcan 9.
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