
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v3.20~26 available for testing


UPDATE 2023-11-16: v3.20~26 is now in candidate
UPDATE 2023-11-12: v3.20~22 is now in candidate
UPDATE 2023-11-10: v3.20~21 is now in candidate
UPDATE 2023-11-06: v3.20~18 is now in candidate
UPDATE 2023-11-03: v3.20~17 is now in candidate

Good evening!

Earlier today we released Venus OS v3.12 official, for details see here on Victron Professional.

So, with that out of the way, its time to get back to beta testing the features in the v3.20 beta series. Per just now, a new version v3.20~14 can be installed.

The main new features in v3.20, compared to the official versions is the new Marine MFD / HTML5 app. For which this new beta versions adds quite a series of stability improvements, bringing it a lot closer to a first real release.

Full change log below.

Enjoy! Matthijs

Completely renewed Marine MFD / HTML5 App


(click for large)

And here a more extended system, with more tanks, and more energy sources:


(click for large)

Note that above two screenshots are taken from the design files, it might differ a bit from actual implemenation.

These are screenshots taken from the new implementation, but there I'm not able to now have them embedded in actual look on a marine MFD like above:

And white mode:


And for comparison, here is a screenshot of the old version:


Instructions: Venus OS beta testing & how to join/install

In case you don't know what this message is about, please start with reading this link, which explains the Venus OS beta program. Venus OS is the software running on all our GX devices, such as the Cerbo GX.

Instructions: How to post an issue?

By posting an answer below. Do please keep all findings organised: one answer issue per issue. So first check the existing threads if your issue has already been seen. And if it does, add a comment saying "me too". And preferably some more details. And in case its not listed yet, add a new Answer.

Note that Answers and Comments are two different things on this portal.

Lastly, before posting issues, preferably first revert to the latest official release (v3.10), to double check if the issue you're seeing was present there as well. Regressions require a different treatment than other issues and bugs.

And include information about the results/differences in behaviour in your report.

Instructions: Node-RED, Kevinā€™s GuiMods or other add-ons?

In case you are running Node-RED or SignalK, then please at least say so in your bug report.

GuiMods and other 3rd party add-ons: donā€™t report your gui issues here. Do it elsewhere instead.

Changes made by us can cause a compatibility issue with the GuiMods; and these betas report pages are for official firmware only.

Known issues for RaspberryPis - per v3.20~18

  • (Resolved per v3.20~21) Some installations using a RaspberryPis seem to have an issue after installing this update. To prevent systems from auto-updating and then getting in to trouble, we have disabled the Online updates. Manual installation of the update is still possible.

Changes v2.30~23 -> 26

  • Further updates to boat/motorhome 2 demo

Changes v3.20~22

  • Update boat/motorhome 2 demo

Changes v3.20~19 -> v3.20~21

  • Add Ukranian language
  • Fix bug related to some SolarEdge invverters, bug was introduced per v3.20~18; thank you to those that quickly reported this!
  • Add support for new SMA TriPower X PV-inverters, and possibly even more models. All PV-inverters that use the newer Sunspec models in the 700 series (IEEE1547) will now be supported. Limiting, aka Zero-feedin is not (yet) supported on any of these.
  • FlashMQ stability improvements
  • Update Boat/Motorhome demo 2; it includes an alternator, and a few tanks and temperature sensors.
  • RV-C: Fix tank out DGN
  • Dynamic ESS: fix repeated charge/discharge pattern for batteries using the (third part) dbus-serial driver. This driver reports SOC as a floating point number, but jumps over some values, sending DESS directly from charge to discharge and skipping idle. New hysteresis implementation ensures that idle is always entered.


  • fix /etc/fstab being empty after remounting the rootfs as writable, issue on RaspberryPis as well as Cerbo with large image.

Venus OS Large

  • Update signalk-n2k-ais-to-nmea0183 plugin from v1.3.1 to v1.4.0
  • Update signalk-venus-plug from v1.33.1 to v1.34.0

Changes v3.20~18

  • Add support for read-out of KACO PV Inverters. Note that Zero feed-in is not supported at the moment

Changes v3.20~15 -> v3.20~17

Note: due to a possible issue, see discussion below, we have disabled the online updates for all raspberrypi models. Downloading the .swu file and then manually installing it is still possible.

  • Various Dynamic ESS related improvements:
    • Remove the separate DESS MinSoc setting. DynamicESS now uses the ESS MinSoc.
    • Stop showing "Low Soc" errorcode when DynamicEss reaches the target SOC.
    • Fix bug that limited solar chargers in relation to the target SOC. Rather than limiting, get there early, and power loads or feed excess into the grid.
    • Implement restrictions for the German market:
      • Two modes are supported: Disallow export from battery to grid, and Disallow import from grid to battery.
      • When converting from DC to grid is disallowed, export-power is limited to local consumption, plus DC-coupled PV (which is green).
      • When converting from grid to DC is disallowed, import-power is limited to AC-coupled PV.
  • Fix bug where DVCC user charge current limit is ignored with VE.Bus BMS. Introduced in Venus OS v3.00.
  • Managed batteries: Detect WeCo battery
  • Re-add the Marine MFD HTML5 app, including various improvements already announced for v3.20~14 (but not visible then due to a mistake in the build):
    • Fix missing data.
    • Fix power conversions (W/kW) for generators.
    • Fix inconsistent energy values between pages.
    • Fix tank warning colors.
    • Fix rounding of device component values.
    • Fix issue where values were shown while the device was unplugged/not running.
    • Remove active current limit from inverter/charger on system overview.
    • Remove artificial Charged state from batteries.
    • Make charger and inverter/charger input current limit adjustable in steps of 0.5A.
    • Show the same power unit for multi-phase devices.
    • Made modals responsive
    • Remove the word "overview" from the energy detailed page.
    • Add Ukrainian translations.

  • A few more improvements on the Marine MFD HTML5 App:
    • Multi phased data visual alignment
    • Fix value overflows
    • Lock description translations
  • Add support for the second temperature sensor on newer versions of the IMT-SI meteorological sensor
  • DSE Gensets:
    • hide menu entries that are not relevant for DSE gensets.
    • Add "Number of engine starts" item for DSE gensets.
  • VRM Logging:
    • Transmit EV Charger energy data
    • Transmit a few Dynamic ESS parameters
  • EV Chargers:
    • Fix TCP connection remaining open for disabled devices (this is an improvement introduced earlier during v3.20 development which had a bug, fixed now).

Changes v3.20~12 and v3.20~14

  • Add DSE generator error messages
  • Fix MultiPlus II 2x120V device screen shows large negative current on AC-Out L2 when inverting or with single phase grid connection (also released in v3.12)

Development / internals:

  • Fix issue for certain electric drive / motor controllers causing the device to not show on the device list.

  • Fix packaging of Python multiprocessing package

Changes v3.20~11 and v3.20~12

  • Support additional DSE generator models. The complete list is now:
    • 4510 MKII
    • 4620
    • 6110 MKII
    • 7310 MKII
    • 7410 MKII
    • 7420 MKII
    • 8610 MKII
    • 8660 MKII
  • VM-3P75CT: update minimum required firmware version to v1.03


  • Update Qt6 to QT 6.5.2

Changes v3.20~10

  • Fix issue that caused the energy meter its role setting to get lost and return to the default. The issue affected systems having energy meter setup to measure output of a PV Inverter, a grid meter or an AC load. We recommend to double check the system, any system that has ran v3.20~9 for a while, might need this setting to be restored manually. Issue was introduced in v3.20~9

Changes v3.20~8 and v3.20~9


  • Increase limit of 32.7kW per phase limit to 138kW.
  • Fix problem where the recently introduced setting "Self-consumption from Battery" to "only critical loads" did not work correctly if a Multi on L1 was compensating for loads on other phases.

Managed batteries:

  • Add menu entry showing module-level alarms. Note that there are no batteries that support this yet.


  • Add support for new Error 128 as well as transmit more diagnostic data to VRM.

EV Charger and VE-Energy Meter

  • Add enable/disable switch for EV Chargers and VE-energy meters. Defaults to disabled: from now onwards, when installing an EV Charger with a GX, the EV Charger needs to be enabled in the GX. Any EVCS already seen in a prior GX firmware version will be enabled automatically.
  • Add option to manually add VE Energy Meter, mostly intended in case the meter is not on the same network, which might happen in systems having a more complex ethernet/IP network.

Energy Meters, SmartShunt and Inverter and Multi RS:

  • Fix issue in reporting to VRM that happens in some cases. Installing the new version will solve the issue automatically.
  • Note that there might also be a bug in v3.20~9, that makes systems with an energy meter configured to measure a PV Inverter change the role by themselves to Grid, which we are working on.


  • Fix bugs in the VE.Bus related DGNs:
    • Fix external control state in CHARGER_STATE DGN.
    • Improve CHARGER_STATE in case the charger is disabled or mains is not present.
    • Improve INVERTER_STATE in case the inverter is disabled or cannot invert due to low battery.
  • Fix sending of DGNs of the main interface (the GX itself). Broken since VenusOS v3.00. Mostly harmless, since this only contains GX firmware version and similar data.

Venus OS Large

  • Update Signal K Server from v1.46.3 to v2.3.0
  • Update NodeJS from v1.18.16 to v1.18.18

Changes v3.20~5, 6 and 7

  • Fix Ekrano GX remote firmware update issues with VE.Can products: the remote firmware update mechanism did not accept having two ports configured with the VE.Can profile, which the Ekrano has by default.
  • Add support for DSE 4620 genset controllers (this connects via ModbusTCP, just like ComAp. More details, as well as more models, will follow later).
  • Various fixes related to Generator start/stop
  • Show a warning if the firmware for the MK3 controller built into the GX device has not been updated yet. For details, see the v3.00 blog post.
  • Dynamic ESS:
    • Fix problem with oscillation around the Dynamic ESS minsoc point. Once the system reached the minimum SOC, it would go back into normal ESS mode. This could cause the battery to start recharging, causing oscillation. Now we remain in DESS mode, but we go to idle, and set the ErrorCode accordingly (Low SOC).
  • Solar and wind priority: fix a small bug around charge battery to 100% visualisation.


  • Add files for the RaspberryPi 3a Plus model. Thank you @Head!

Changes v3.20~3 and v3.20~4

  • Fix various bugs in the gui related to generator start/stop, all regressions introduced per v3.10.
    • Fix generator start stop reported run time
    • Fix an info toast message is not shown when setting service timer
    • Fix bug where FischerPanda gensets sometimes lose the engine values (Oil Pressure, RPM, etc)
  • IMT Irradiance sensors: Log the value of second temperature probe to VRM.
  • Dynamic ESS:
    • Fix bug where the maximum system feed-in setting was exceeded during automatic DynamicESS use

Venus OS Large

  • Victron Palette, aka node-red-contrib-victron, v1.5.0 to v1.5.2
    • Add option to show the values in the flow. Instead of OK and Connected. A very nice improvement, see below screenshot. Activate in the configuration node.
    • Update dependencies
    • Send only changed rounded values
  • Node-RED: update from v3.0.2 to v3.1.0.

The 23.8 in below screenshot is what is new in Node-RED per Venus OS v3.20~4:

Changes v3.10 -> v3.20~2

  • Re-add HTML5 app. Changes compared to the previous version:
    • Increase performance / response speed
    • Fix tank levels showing NaN sometimes
  • Remote Multi/Quattro firmware updates: fix bug where the Multis and Quattros don't show on on the VRM firmware update device list if the mk3 firmware has not been upgraded.
  • IMT Irradiance sensors:
    • add support for second temperature probe on devices with two temperature probes
    • add support for IMT sensors running firmware versions older than v1.53.
  • VE-3P75CT meter: increase ESS speed slightly
  • Update FzSonick batteries product name


  • re-enable FlashMQ

Previous posts on v3.20:

Venus OS
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hey all, the new HTML5 app is *not* included in the build.

Will be fixed in the next build.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hello! v3.20~17 is now in candidate.

And now including the Marine MFD HTML5 app, apologies that it was missing last time!

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hey all, per just now v3.20~18 is available for testing. Pi issue is not solved, and online updates for it are still disabled.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hello! Per just now v3.20~21 is available as a release candidate.

It fixes the issues with raspberrypis; as well as addes various more fixes and features.

Weā€™ve reenabled automatic updates for raspberrypis. Apologies for all the issues with that in v3.20~16 till v3.20~18 !

Ps. Also Cerbo was affected, when installing the large image and then remounting the rootfs as read write.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi all, v3.20~26 is available for testing. Already for a few days. The changes are only in the demo boat/motorhome 2 mode.

Apologies for the late update!

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi all, v3.20~27 is available for testing per just now. A complete new post is underway for later today.

In summary:

- more DSE generator improvements

- Dynamic ESS improvements

- FlashMQ updates

- Stability improvements related to resize2fs (a feature used by tinkerers / people modding the GX device)

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28 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered Ā·

Hi all, for anyone running into issues with RaspberryPis or Cerbos that have Guimods or other packages from SetupHelper installed, and don't seem to boot after updating to v3.20~18 or a similar version, here is what to do:

For a Cerbo GX, most likely there is no other option than to completely reflash it. As also other people have seen, and what I have confirmed here: even the normal reset to factory defaults does not recover it.

how to do such reinstallation is written down here:

On older Cerbo's, this will break the onboard wifi access point. How to recover from that is something for later. And will be discussed in that issue.

For a RaspberryPi, if you have a keyboard and screen attached, stop it during the boot:

editenv version

change 1 to 2 or 2 to 1



If you have a Pi but not a keyboard and screen, then I recommend to start from scratch, reinstall Venus OS images on an sdcard.

I hope above helps everyone out!

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
And, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE mention that you are running such third party addons when posting reports here.

And even better, follow the instructions and post elsewhere.

The amount of people that didnā€™t and donā€™t do that, see below, keeps surprising me.

And the level of scare and various people that get dragged of their project when we hear ā€œCerbo doesnt boot any more after updatingā€ - without mention of guimods..! - should not be underestimated.


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peterpearce6517 avatar image peterpearce6517 mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Why don't you just have a mandatory question & answer. E.g. "Are you using guimods? Y or N?" If they lie, delete their account.

Peter's 10c

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel peterpearce6517 commented Ā·

In this case SetupHelper was the culpid. It also tricked me, because I always disable GuiMods before the update but obviously SetupHelper is a third party addon ;)

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ojack avatar image
ojack answered Ā·

Where can I find the settings for the german restrictions at v3.20~17 ?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @OJack on VRM beta. Are they not there?

(Sorry, I donā€™t have access now myself).

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It can be found under the Dynamic ESS battery settings.


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ojack avatar image ojack Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
I got it and it's working. thanks.
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juf avatar image
juf answered Ā·

Canā€™t change the root password anymore with the 3.20~17.

get every time img-4292.jpeg

No matter whether cryptic or not

img-4292.jpeg (1.2 MiB)
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jeroen avatar image jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
It needs to be at least 6 characters long.
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juf avatar image juf jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
Sure I try 10. ;-)

reimage the sd card with the ~17 and the password change works.

finaly the problem occur after update

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Holger Watermann avatar image
Holger Watermann answered Ā·

On pi 2 and pi 2+ the Update does not work, nothing!

1 comment
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi, right, that is on purpose; looks like our messages crossed just now, see above.
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blacksun avatar image
blacksun answered Ā·
I have exactly the same problem. I installed VenusOs on a Raspberry PI 3B+. A new installation of VenusOS and then an update to the RC leads to the same behavior.
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jeroen avatar image jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
Which behavior? If you mean that the update to RC is not working, that is done on purpose. See above comments.
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blacksun avatar image blacksun jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
No, I mean that it is no longer accessible after the update to RC VenusOS.
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whiskeyjack avatar image
whiskeyjack answered Ā·

I just had the same problem, upgraded from the previous RC (14 I believe it was) which had been upgraded from each of the previous RC images in sequence over time, none of this created an issue.

This is a headless raspberry PI4.

After initial upgrade at least remote console worked, the html5 app sort of worked but only showed my inverter no batteries. Thinking that was maybe a browser cache issue I tried a different browser same issue. Didn't try ssh access or check VRM at that time. Didn't have any notifications about bad authorization token etc

At this point I rebooted Venus from the remote console and that's when things went really bad. It appeared like it never booted, no DHCP lease on ethernet or wifi, obviously nothing else worked.

Pulled the power, opened the case and connected to the serial console, restored power and surprisingly it looked like it booted until I dug a little deeper, none of the interfaces where running, a number of startup errors including connman, all claiming they couldn't find files on /data, aha, checked the mounts and /data was indeed not mounted, no issues when I tried manually mounting it, but rather then trying to manually restart all services I rebooted again, same issue after reboot, nothing that depends on /data started as it never mounted.

Since I rely on the Venus for a few things I went and downloaded the full install image and reimaged the same SD card (using Raspberry PI's disk imager application) reinstalled the SD and everything came up as expected, unconfirmed naturally but everything was working, my solar chargers and batteries also appeared in the HTML5 app. So after sometime returning the configuration to desired state it is all good.

I do run Kevin's GuMods package as well as the related temperature and ngrok packages, I had also modified /etc/ssh/sshd_config to support SSH auth via keys, I also added one line to /data/rcS.local to add a vlan subinterface to eth0.

Otherwise a fairly basic install, BMV712, three solar chargers, an inverter and two battery banks.

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jeroen avatar image jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
Well that is useful information. If you have the logs or the files of /data I would be really interested. If you still have them can you mail them to me?
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whiskeyjack avatar image whiskeyjack jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
Unfortunately I don't have logs, I had trouble getting the network interfaces to start so couldn't move them off.. and until just now didn't think of mounting the SD card on my other Linux box, sigh...

The /data directory was pretty much empty, most of the normal sub-directories, but the ones I checked where all empty, and as a reminder the correct block device was not mounted as /data, the only filesystem mounted was /

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem whiskeyjack commented Ā·
It turns out that all the directories in /data are included in the /root partition before the data partition is mounted, but they are empty. So the non-mounted data partition is consistent with whiskeyjack's observations.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
I wonder if another board-specific issue has cropped up.

If you have a working VenusOS running, the board revision is at the end of /proc/cpuinfo. The Model line gives you the board rev in plain text.

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whiskeyjack avatar image whiskeyjack Kevin Windrem commented Ā·

Model : Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5

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Holger Watermann avatar image
Holger Watermann answered Ā·

As i fell into the bad update with v17 - now no keyboard comunication is possible. Screen only the promt after boot: the first stage must be okay.

So how to tell the U-Boot to use the other / previous Version Boot partition which is allready on my sd card?

as said no victronConnect vrm or ssh is working.

is there an hidden command from what partition to boot the kernel?

Some String to edit on the boot Partition? Hidden Commandline?

before the online update my system was working without problems.

best whishes - Holger

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·

There is a way with a serial terminal connection to switch to the other boot partition using the boot loader -- hit any key within 2 seconds to get to the boot loader prompt.

From a previous post here:

You can change the active boot partition from the boot menu as follows:

  1. editenv version

change 1 to 2 or 2 to 1

  1. saveenv
  2. boot
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Holger Watermann avatar image Holger Watermann Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
Thanks for the link Kevin, but as no keyboard is recognized for me, i had to use another solution: There are 2 Boot Partitions on the SD. One is the bad v17 and the other the last Backup.

After mounting the SD on another Unix i was able to delete the newer x17 partition and duplicate the Backup onto it. Got an error about to less space left on device but it booted into some working Venus later. Success, all settings are there!

To go back to work i switched back to the real Backup Version at first. The copied Version should be updated with an Release Version - it is not suitable to "cp -R " whole root systems because some symbolic links, only as temporary Solutions.

So you have to overwrite it with an "installed" Version in the normal Update-Process. Also i am now gone from this Beta-Tester-Circle back to the Relase Circle....

Thanks for all your work.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ Holger Watermann commented Ā·
Good to hear you resolved it; including details of how. That might help someone.
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dirk-s avatar image
dirk-s answered Ā·

I updated from 3.12 large to 3.20.18 large. Unfortunately my SolarEdge Inverter disappeared from Remote Console and VRM. But in the settings it is still configured. I switched back to 3.12. SolarEdge inverter is back again. I never had this before when I used release candidates.

Iā€˜m using a simple MP 2 GX 5000 as ESS with SolarEdge SE7K on AC in and Pylontech batteries.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
thanks @Dirk_S - noted we'll look into that
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matthias-roetzer avatar image matthias-roetzer commented Ā·
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roger-seibel avatar image
roger-seibel answered Ā·

Since 3.20.17 i have some problems with the Cerbo Remote Console Beta:

Language selection does not work anymore, some values are not shown / not selectable in the gui, for example DVCC>Controlling BMS. 'Auto Selected' is shown as 'None'

The behavier in the normal Remote Console ist normal, there is shown the correct selected BMS.

One wish: Maximum charge limit in the beta is limited to 100A, should be more, for my Pylontech Rack i use 200A in the standard remote console.


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi Roger. Can you share a screenshot of the ā€œremote console betaā€?

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roger-seibel avatar image roger-seibel mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·


Here is always shown 'None'


Changing language is hanging forever ...

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ roger-seibel commented Ā·
thanks, we'll look into that
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gr1pen avatar image
gr1pen answered Ā·

Been running v3.20~17 but tonight my Cerbo GX autoupdated to v3.20~18, and broke it. Had to reinstall completely from SD-card (3.12). Updated to manually to v3.20~18 and when I installed 123BMS software (123\SmartBMS to USB - 123electric) it broke it again. Had to reinstall from SD-card again and configure everything from scratch... :(

Is there a way I get get back to v3.20~17 for now o I can get back DESS...?

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solarmowe avatar image solarmowe commented Ā·

Updated from v3.20~17 remotely completely whitescreen by remote console but VRM is still working.

It is a remote Array and how do one get die remote console working again

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hotbiker avatar image hotbiker commented Ā·


after update to v3.20~18 the cerbo disappeared in the vrm and is completely dead.

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-hagenaar avatar image -hagenaar commented Ā·

I have the same thing. Cerbo-S GX updated from 3.20~10 to 3.20~18 and it disconnected from the vrm. The local console in the vrm only showed the frame with the buttons on the side and a white insert. After the update i was still able to access node red. ssh was able to connect, but the password i could not set in the menu (because that did not work). but after a reboot it is completely inaccessible.

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synker avatar image synker commented Ā·

Cerbo Gx Update from 3.20~17 to 3.20~18

After reboot no boot! Do I need to access with terminal procedure as @Kevin Windrem said?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hi @Gr1pen , @solarmowe , @_Hagenaar , @Synker , and probably a multitude of other people also seeing issues:

We checked the system of @solarmowe , and fixed the problem there by disabling guimods: the problem relates to guimods or another package by @Kevin Windrem . Apparently something goes wrong in the installation, which breaks the gui (graphical user interface).

How you will see this issue is that Remote Console shows the buttons and a white screen; and the local display, meaning the LCD on the CCGX, Ekrano or GX Touch) will be black or white.


1) If you are 100% sure that you are not running guimods, please let us know.

2) If you are indeed running guimods, I recommend to leave the system as is until we've checked with Kevin how to best recover from this. One option is to have a venus-data.tgz file that (a) disables auto installing gui mods after the update, ie rename rcS.local; and thereafter (b) trigger installing the latest version.

(we are working on such file at the moment).

Ps. @Kevin, the issue seems to be that PageSettings.qml is nearly empty, which breaks the qml rendering engine. But perhaps best to continue this discussion on email or issue. Rather than here.

root@einstein:~# cat /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/PageSettings.qml
//////// modified to insert PackageManager menu
//////// added for PackageManager
            description: qsTr("Package manager")
            subpage: Component { PageSettingsPackageManager {} }
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

I can not duplicate this issue here on my RPI 4 test system and my Cerbo.

The message from @mvader (Victron Energy) indicates the problem is most likely in SetupHelper and the way I modify files in an attempt to make them version independent.

Please post additional discussion to the SetupHelper issues area in GitHub, not in the Victron forum!

Please include the Venus OS version, the platform (RPI, Cerbo, etc) and any other pertinent information.


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mr-manuel avatar image
mr-manuel answered Ā·

I have also a Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB of RAM) as test setup. I updated without problems, but I saw that the /dev/root partition after the update was full. Then I tried to disable headless mode by executing

mv /etc/venus/headless /etc/venus/

and then I rebooted my Raspberry. After I could not reach the device via network anymore.

Probably it works for those who have enabled headless and it don't work for those who have disabled headless.


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
headless vs not headless does not make any difference on my test RPI 4. Both work as expected. Same with GuiMods/SetupHelper installed or not.

The issue with the root partition being 100% full appears to be normal for the stock Victron code. The root partition is mounted read-only and is 100% full on my system when booting a freshly imaged SD card.

Hope this helps eliminate things with the non-booting RPI issue

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juf avatar image
juf answered Ā·

Hi, I have done the update from ~12 to ~18 per swu file. Rpi3

i donĖ‹t use gui mods!

first boot will work but canĖ‹t set a root password any more!

second reboot wonĖ‹t work no more web ui


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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel commented Ā·
Can you check your root partition space with "df -h"? I think that is the problem. Are you running your Raspberry Pi headless? If you start the device connected to a monitor do you see the command prompt or the Venus OS GUI?
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juf avatar image juf mr-manuel commented Ā·

image.jpgi see only the console no web ui

think the usr folder are full


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bottemlesspits avatar image
bottemlesspits answered Ā·

The newest version seems to not work with GUI mods

Attempted to test v3.20~18 downloaded large image system booted to White screen remote console was "working" but only white screen did a power Cycle system seems to be in a boot loop / fail to boot.
attempted to do a factory reset with an SD card no Joy

ended up needing to do a recovery flash :( So Wifi AP is now broken S/N HQ2006

redownloaded v3.12 large + GUI mods no issues
redownloaded v3.20~18 large + GUI mods Issue REPRODUCED

System Specs

1x Cerbo GX
2x Multiplus 5KVA
1x SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/100
1x SmartSolar Charger VE.Can 150/100
3x BlueSolar Charger MPPT 150/70 (VE.Can)

10x Pylontech US3000C

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel commented Ā·

GuiMods and other 3rd party add-ons: donā€™t report your gui issues here. Do it elsewhere instead.

Changes made by us can cause a compatibility issue with the GuiMods; and these betas report pages are for official firmware only.

You can open an issue on GitHub for GuiMods, it does not work with the latest GuiMods version. Kevin released already an update some hours ago:

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bottemlesspits avatar image bottemlesspits mr-manuel commented Ā·

Yes I'm just reporting that Cerbo has the same issue as the RPi so others can see it at what causes it as all mentions were are for Rpi at the time

and how to recover from it and what does not work was meant as a help to others and some of this was probably used or noted in Mvader's comment

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ojack avatar image
ojack answered Ā·

I think a general change should be that in the beta versions the function "automatic update" should not exist. In beta every update must be well considered.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree. We test very carefully - and automatically - that updates work properly. On the standard Venus OS + large variant of it.

The issue here is in Setuphelper + Guimods in combination with some changes we made. Which never comes at a good moment, and a bit frustrating for all involved, but otherwise OK and can happen, and was bound to happen some day.

But by not doing auto updates, the number of systems running the latest beta firmware version is going reduce drastically - not many people will go through the effort of auto-updating.

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juf avatar image juf mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Good morning I canā€™t complain with you.

read above my comment And see screenshots.

ā€œHi, I have done the update from ~12 to ~18 per swu file. Rpi3

i donĖ‹t use gui mods!

first boot will work but canĖ‹t set a root password any more!

second reboot wonĖ‹t work no more web ui


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem juf commented Ā·

the issue is in SetupHelper, not in GuiMods. SetupHelper is used by the 123 Smart BMS. They have their own blind-install that installs SetupHelper and their driver. So you may not even be aware of it getting installed. This is why it's important to list ALL modifications/extensions when posting to the beta threads here on the forum. Better yet is to uninstall all modificaitons/extensions to see if the problem exists in stock Victron code before posting. Post issues that only appear with modifications on the author's GitHub or equivalent.

Check out the GitHub issues section of SetupHelper for details of this issue. Continue any further discussion there please.

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juf avatar image juf Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
I do this test without any additional changes.

plain install ~12 and swu update to ~18.

no setuphelper, no config changes!

with the 12 all fine

with the 18 I cant change the root password and the next reboot destroy the web ui!

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ juf commented Ā·
Understood @Juf - there might be an additional problem with the RPis - not related to guimods. Weā€™re looking into that.

Thanks for being on this!

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ojack avatar image ojack mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Ok, I can understand that.

Anyone who takes part in the beta program can decide for themselves whether they want to activate auto-update or not.

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juf avatar image
juf answered Ā·

So I have do some tests. Rpi3

1. install clean ~18 all fine can change root password

2. Install ~18 as swu file first boot run fine but canā€™t change root password anymore and second reboot will disappear the web-ui

i have no additional software installed.


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Mark avatar image
Mark answered Ā·

My solar production and consumption is not getting logged consistently on vrm, log intervalā€¦1 minuteā€¦..and donā€™t use GUI mods!

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ojack avatar image ojack commented Ā·
Maybe there is nothing to log. You have only <10Wh per hour in consumption.
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blacksun avatar image
blacksun answered Ā·
I also didn't make any GUIMods or any other changes. I also have the same behavior after updating to RC18. First boot still works, changing password for superuser doesn't work, error message, change not possible. New reboot -->VenusOs does not receive an IP address. If I plug in a monitor and keyboard, I see the command prompt, but no matter what commands I enter, I always get the same error message: command not found
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fichtelbergen avatar image
fichtelbergen answered Ā·

Hello Community

I'm currently running large 3.20~14, no modificatins besides driver for JK BMS. I did almost all (beta) updates since a year now, never experienced any trouble so far. What indeed puzzles me a bit is the fact that the root filesystem of the default installation is almost full.

root@raspberrypi2:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 1.1G 986.3M 61.1M 94% /

Looking further shows that half of the space is being used below

root@raspberrypi2:/# du -hs /usr/lib/node_modules
429.6M /usr/lib/node_modules

This is where node-red and signalk-server is residing.
root@raspberrypi2:/# ll /usr/lib/node_modules
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 31 17:28 @victronenergy
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 31 18:50 corepack
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct 31 18:58 node-red
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Oct 31 18:50 npm
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Oct 31 18:54 signalk-server

I have not yet had the courage to install 3.20~18. But from what I read here, I wonder if more space is being used for new signalk-server features / improvement under /usr/lib/node_modules, filling the root FS completely.

Resizing /dev/root would then be very advisable.

Just my 5 cents.


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solarmowe avatar image
solarmowe answered Ā·

@mvader (Victron Energy) saw your answer but after restarting the Cerbo could not boot, whhat is the best way forward it is system in Africa and i am here in Europe they don't have the possibilities like we do. How do we recover

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lala avatar image
lala answered Ā·

After the update, my Solaredge inverter has disappeared from the LAN and is no longer recognized.

3.20~18 (upgrade from 3.20~14)

after a downgrade it is online again

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matthias-roetzer avatar image matthias-roetzer commented Ā·
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dirk-s avatar image dirk-s matthias-roetzer commented Ā·
I also had this issue and communicated before two days in this thread above. Afterwards Victron get in contact with me and I had communication with a staff member of Victron. He investigated and solved this issue by changing a driver remotely in my GX device. Victron changed something in this build which causes this issue. Victron will change it back in the next build.
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damandan avatar image damandan commented Ā·
Same problem here.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ damandan commented Ā·
Hi all, thanks - the solaredge disappearing issue is solved in v3.20~21
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dirk-s avatar image dirk-s mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Yes, right. It works now out of the box with the new build .21

Thanks again for your and your colleagues fast support.

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fichtelbergen avatar image
fichtelbergen answered Ā·

Today I gave large 3.20~21 a try on my RPI 3, ending up with 100% usage of root FS.

root@raspberrypi2:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 1.0G 985.8M 0 100% /

I deleted /usr/lib/node_modules/signalk-server as I'm not using it in the moment.

This freed up ~269MB, back to 73% root FS usage.

root@raspberrypi2:/usr/lib/node_modules# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 1.0G 701.8M 261.9M 73% /

I also tried normal v3.20~21 image, FS usage is like this now:

root@raspberrypi2:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 421.2M 312.2M 82.1M 79% /

This is only information for anyone interested.

It seems that updating to a large image above v3.20~14 can be dangerous for some RPI users.


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fichtelbergen avatar image
fichtelbergen answered Ā·

@mvader (Victron Energy)

I am using 16GB SD cards.
Thank you for reminding me of the read only root FS!
If I understand you correctly, there's no need to worry about 100% root FS usage and I may stop chasing ghosts ... ;-)

That's good news!


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towatai avatar image
towatai answered Ā·

@mvader (Victron Energy)
Changelog 3.20~22 missing.... Dudes....

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ojack avatar image ojack commented Ā·

I bravely installed 3.20~22. So far I haven't found anything new that it can do, but also nothing that it can no longer do.

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towatai avatar image towatai ojack commented Ā·

Something must make the difference to ~21 ;-)

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Marc Elvery avatar image Marc Elvery towatai commented Ā·

Just check here

Only some changes to the demo 2

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ Marc Elvery commented Ā·
Hey all three,

Sorry again. Only small changes to the demo mode, post has been updated with that info.

Ps. note @Marc Elvery that there is one more meta repo that you canā€™t see.

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ppr avatar image
ppr answered Ā·

Due to some customer issues I am facing right now ...
Have you guys ever thought aboiut a chang log tracking file? I am a datacenter engineer and installing Victron systems is something I am doing besides my profession since a few years. From time to time it is always a hassle with people change some settings and complaining afterwards that something is wrong but they have no clue why.
It would be so helpful if the cerbo or whatever systems writes a log in the back what can be seen by installers when and what date someone changed some settings from value x to value y

Just want to mention for a new release it would be extremly helpful ....

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
You have posted this to a tread discussing a beta test version of Venus OS and should be limited to issues relating just to that release.

Enhancement requests such as yours should be a separate question. We can then discuss the idea there.

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-hagenaar avatar image
-hagenaar answered Ā·

After updating from Venus OS v3.20~22 to Venus OS v3.20~26 same issue appeared as update to Venus OS v3.20~18.

Remote console loads but with white insert and due to upgrade the SSH password is reset, so no SSH

  • Cerbo-S GX
  • Venus OS Large
  • GUI mods.
  • Setup helper
  • dbus-serialbattery
  • Battery aggregator
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·

Do NOT post issues here if running third-party modifications to Venus OS. Only post issues here for stock Victon beta code.

Report issues related to third--party mods, to a place associated with that modification.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented Ā·
Most likely due to guimods. Give Kevin some time to push an update.
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ojack avatar image ojack commented Ā·
There isn't even the changelog for ~26 here yet. So give poor Kevin a little time to react.
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kelzamedic avatar image
kelzamedic answered Ā·

Playing with the new Beta GUI due to recent install of a beta Arco Zeus with N2K-VE Can connection. Still working through some issues on the alternator side of the equation, but the Zeus is populated as a device and the alternator data is on the Cerbo Beta GUI.


A few notes and observations, some may be known and just not completed features:

1. To get there, v3.20~26 is required. To toggle to the Beta Gui, there is a switch in the display settings. We were scratching our heads because the feature showed up on one Cerbo and not another. Trial and error resulted in our understanding that in the Online update settings, even if you are on the "latest release candidate", if the update feed is toggled to "latest release", the option in display settings to toggle to Beta Gui is not displayed.

2. With regard to the recent solar and wind priority updates, the option to select 100% charge in settings from the charger/inverter is not present. Was not able to locate this feature elsewhere, so had to revert to standard GUI to toggle after many poor solar days, then toggled back to new GUI. This is a must have feature in the new GUI and maybe shouldn't be buried in charger/inverter settings?

3. Remote console does not work with the new Beta Gui running.

4. Don't know if the weather app in the "Brief" screen is programmable or's not 10 degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit in the tropics currently...LOL

All in all, much more information is present and, if all goes well, will be testing this GUI with the Zeus/Alternator monitor off grid this week. Great direction and new interface Mathias and team! Keep up the awesome good work!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·

" ... Trial and error resulted in our understanding that in the Online update settings, even if you are on the "latest release candidate", if the update feed is toggled to "latest release", the option in display settings to toggle to Beta Gui is not displayed."

I confirmed this and it does seem strange.

Remote console relies on the standard GUI which is not running when the beta GUI (aka gui-v2) is running. The local GUI accessed via a web browser is also not available when beta GUI is running. This is a known issue.

The weather information is obviously just dummy values at this point.

I should point out that the tiles with a border have "drill-down" pages that show numerical details very much like GuiMods details pages.

Victron should be making the official beta GUI announcement shortly and I would assume they would open a new issue for comments rather than leaving them in the beta firmware thread.

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ojack avatar image ojack Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
Maybe victron doesn't want to beta test the "betaGUI" yet and it's a bug that you can activate it. I haven't found any reference to this in any changelog yet.

@mvader (Victron Energy) or is a feature which is called "betaGUI" ready for a public beta test?

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kelzamedic avatar image kelzamedic commented Ā·
5. Notifications such as external power loss or tank alarms still push through to VRM and email, but there is no local alarm or notification on the Beta Gui.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem kelzamedic commented Ā·
This is a known issue.

I suggest we refrain from posting about the beta GUI here until an official release is made and a proper place to submit issues is created.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ Kevin Windrem commented Ā·

Hello all three, you found it - nice!

Announcement including all the details will follow shortly (a matter of days)

The switch in the UI is only for the onscreen display (Ekrano, GX Touch). Setting that switch to the beta UI is not needed to get the new UI in your browser, aka as Remote Console. And enabling it breaks Remote Console on VRM.


The best way to get the new UI, without breaking anything, is to use it locally in a browser:


And nothing is needed for that, no changing of settings. Running a recent beta version is sufficiƫnt.

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CM avatar image CM commented Ā·

this new gui looks very cool

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broesel avatar image
broesel answered Ā·


Can you gibt more Details in this please:

  • Add support for read-out of KACO PV Inverters. Note that Zero feed-in is not supported at the moment

Best regards,


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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered Ā·

The instructions about getting gui-v2 via VRM do not appear to be working (yet any way).

The link<your-vrm-site-id>

with the VRM portal ID filled in for <your-vrm-site-id> is in the URL takes me to a beta VRM page listing my systems but there's no where I can find a link to the beta remote console. The Remote Console link in the sidebar leads to the old GUI if the GX device is not running the beta GUI, and throws an error of not being able to connect if the new GUI is running.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Thanks! That was indeed taken offline because its quite useless as is.

Iā€™ll update the slides.

The issue is in de mqtt connection, and we know how to solve it - work in progress.

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