
shockbroker avatar image
shockbroker asked

Possible to put AC on MultiPlus output in charge-only position

If I the MultiPlus is set to charge-only with the front-panel switch, is it then possible to externally pass the input AC to the output to use only grid power, or will only cause it to vent some kind of smoke?

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is possible and recommended if you don't want to accidentally discharge the system on some loads.

it will pass the power through, in the charger only position, up to maximum of the transfer ability of the unit and your wiring of course.

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shockbroker avatar image shockbroker commented ·
You refer to the maximum transfer ability of the unit so I suppose you are saying that if I switch to charge-only the unit itself will pass the AC through. But this is not the case, there is no AC on the output in charge-only, at least not with my MultiPlus.
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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack shockbroker commented ·
Right, here too!

No "pass-through" in charger only mode.

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