
David avatar image
David asked

Multi-RS generator start problem

Generator wont start on AC Load.

Commissioning a Multi-RS (Nov 2023) with Cerbo-S, smartshunt and generator, the generator will start on State of Charge and low battery voltage, but we couldn't get it to start on AC Load. We moved the load trigger setting up and down, started and stopped house loads many times, but could not get the Cerbo relay to start the generator. We changed the battery monitor (in Setup tab) back and forth from Smartshunt to Muti-RS but no change. Re-booted Cerbo, power cycled Multi etc.

Any feedback would be useful. (system not yet on VRM)


generator auto start
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @David,

Thanks for the bug report, I can reproduce the issue and have forwarded it on to the developers.

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David avatar image
David answered ·

Thanks for the very fast response Guy. So, you could repeat the issue. Thanks, we thought we were going mad(er).

Await your reply.


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @David,

Unfortunately the solution is not going to be as quick.

It's a known issue for which there is an internal bug ticket. It will require some unknown amount of work in Venus and the firmware of the RS to fix, and for now it is going to be accepted as a known limitation until higher priority development is finished.

So apologies, I will also ask for the RS product manual limitation chapter to be updated to reflect this.

For completeness; the limitations conditions that are not supported by the RS yet are AC output load, inverter temperature, inverter overload, and stopping when AC becomes available again.

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Jan avatar image Jan commented ·
Hi, I would like to ask you, is there any progres regarding to the issue? For me it is very important point to control the GX rellay in generator mode based on the AC output load.


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