
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v3.20~12 available for testing

UPDATE 2023-10-28: public testing ov v3.20 is paused, in favour of v3.12~1.

UPDATE: 2023-10-25: v3.20~12 is now available
UPDATE: 2023-10-17: v3.20~10 is now available


Last week, the beta testing of v3.20 was paused for a moment to prepare and release v3.11, which is now done. It has several fixes and improvements.

Now with that out of the way, its time to continue beta testing v3.20 again, and since yesterday we have v3.20~9 available for public beta testing.

The main new features are:

  1. New Marine MFD / HTML5 app, see screenshots below.
  2. Add support for Deep Sea Electronics generator controller model DSE 4620. Functionality is similar to ComAp: readout of all parameters + start/stop control.

Full details below, first some high lights as well as explanation on how to report issues as well as how to install the beta firmware.

Enjoy! Matthijs

Completely renewed Marine MFD / HTML5 App


(click for large)

And here a more extended system, with more tanks, and more energy sources:


(click for large)

Note that above two screenshots are taken from the design files, it might differ a bit from actual implemenation.

These are screenshots taken from the new implementation, but there I'm not able to now have them embedded in actual look on a marine MFD like above:

And white mode:


And for comparison, here is a screenshot of the old version:


Instructions: Venus OS beta testing & how to join/install

In case you don't know what this message is about, please start with reading this link, which explains the Venus OS beta program. Venus OS is the software running on all our GX devices, such as the Cerbo GX.

Instructions: How to post an issue?

By posting an answer below. Do please keep all findings organised: one answer issue per issue. So first check the existing threads if your issue has already been seen. And if it does, add a comment saying "me too". And preferably some more details. And in case its not listed yet, add a new Answer.

Note that Answers and Comments are two different things on this portal.

Lastly, before posting issues, preferably first revert to the latest official release (v3.10), to double check if the issue you're seeing was present there as well. Regressions require a different treatment than other issues and bugs.

And include information about the results/differences in behaviour in your report.

Instructions: Node-RED, Kevinā€™s GuiMods or other add-ons?

In case you are running Node-RED or SignalK, then please at least say so in your bug report.

GuiMods and other 3rd party add-ons: donā€™t report your gui issues here. Do it elsewhere instead.

Changes made by us can cause a compatibility issue with the GuiMods; and these betas report pages are for official firmware only.

Changes v3.20~11 and v3.20~12

  • Support additional DSE generator models. The complete list is now:
    • 4510 MKII
    • 4620
    • 6110 MKII
    • 7310 MKII
    • 7410 MKII
    • 7420 MKII
    • 8610 MKII
    • 8660 MKII
  • VM-3P75CT: update minimum required firmware version to v1.03


  • Update Qt6 to QT 6.5.2

Changes v3.20~10

  • Fix issue that caused the energy meter its role setting to get lost and return to the default. The issue affected systems having energy meter setup to measure output of a PV Inverter, a grid meter or an AC load. We recommend to double check the system, any system that has ran v3.20~9 for a while, might need this setting to be restored manually. Issue was introduced in v3.20~9

Changes v3.20~8 and v3.20~9


  • Increase limit of 32.7kW per phase limit to 138kW.
  • Fix problem where the recently introduced setting "Self-consumption from Battery" to "only critical loads" did not work correctly if a Multi on L1 was compensating for loads on other phases.

Managed batteries:

  • Add menu entry showing module-level alarms. Note that there are no batteries that support this yet.


  • Add support for new Error 128 as well as transmit more diagnostic data to VRM.

EV Charger and VE-Energy Meter

  • Add enable/disable switch for EV Chargers and VE-energy meters. Defaults to disabled: from now onwards, when installing an EV Charger with a GX, the EV Charger needs to be enabled in the GX. Any EVCS already seen in a prior GX firmware version will be enabled automatically.
  • Add option to manually add VE Energy Meter, mostly intended in case the meter is not on the same network, which might happen in systems having a more complex ethernet/IP network.

Energy Meters, SmartShunt and Inverter and Multi RS:

  • Fix issue in reporting to VRM that happens in some cases. Installing the new version will solve the issue automatically.
  • Note that there might also be a bug in v3.20~9, that makes systems with an energy meter configured to measure a PV Inverter change the role by themselves to Grid, which we are working on.


  • Fix bugs in the VE.Bus related DGNs:
    • Fix external control state in CHARGER_STATE DGN.
    • Improve CHARGER_STATE in case the charger is disabled or mains is not present.
    • Improve INVERTER_STATE in case the inverter is disabled or cannot invert due to low battery.
  • Fix sending of DGNs of the main interface (the GX itself). Broken since VenusOS v3.00. Mostly harmless, since this only contains GX firmware version and similar data.

Venus OS Large

  • Update Signal K Server from v1.46.3 to v2.3.0
  • Update NodeJS from v1.18.16 to v1.18.18

Changes v3.20~5, 6 and 7

  • Fix Ekrano GX remote firmware update issues with VE.Can products: the remote firmware update mechanism did not accept having two ports configured with the VE.Can profile, which the Ekrano has by default.
  • Add support for DSE 4620 genset controllers (this connects via ModbusTCP, just like ComAp. More details, as well as more models, will follow later).
  • Various fixes related to Generator start/stop
  • Show a warning if the firmware for the MK3 controller built into the GX device has not been updated yet. For details, see the v3.00 blog post.
  • Dynamic ESS:
    • Fix problem with oscillation around the Dynamic ESS minsoc point. Once the system reached the minimum SOC, it would go back into normal ESS mode. This could cause the battery to start recharging, causing oscillation. Now we remain in DESS mode, but we go to idle, and set the ErrorCode accordingly (Low SOC).
  • Solar and wind priority: fix a small bug around charge battery to 100% visualisation.


  • Add files for the RaspberryPi 3a Plus model. Thank you @Head!

Changes v3.20~3 and v3.20~4

  • Fix various bugs in the gui related to generator start/stop, all regressions introduced per v3.10.
    • Fix generator start stop reported run time
    • Fix an info toast message is not shown when setting service timer
    • Fix bug where FischerPanda gensets sometimes lose the engine values (Oil Pressure, RPM, etc)
  • IMT Irradiance sensors: Log the value of second temperature probe to VRM.
  • Dynamic ESS:
    • Fix bug where the maximum system feed-in setting was exceeded during automatic DynamicESS use

Venus OS Large

  • Victron Palette, aka node-red-contrib-victron, v1.5.0 to v1.5.2
    • Add option to show the values in the flow. Instead of OK and Connected. A very nice improvement, see below screenshot. Activate in the configuration node.
    • Update dependencies
    • Send only changed rounded values
  • Node-RED: update from v3.0.2 to v3.1.0.

The 23.8 in below screenshot is what is new in Node-RED per Venus OS v3.20~4:

Changes v3.10 -> v3.20~2

  • Re-add HTML5 app. Changes compared to the previous version:
    • Increase performance / response speed
    • Fix tank levels showing NaN sometimes
  • Remote Multi/Quattro firmware updates: fix bug where the Multis and Quattros don't show on on the VRM firmware update device list if the mk3 firmware has not been upgraded.
  • IMT Irradiance sensors:
    • add support for second temperature probe on devices with two temperature probes
    • add support for IMT sensors running firmware versions older than v1.53.
  • VE-3P75CT meter: increase ESS speed slightly
  • Update FzSonick batteries product name


  • re-enable FlashMQ
Venus OS
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hello! Just now we released v3.20~10, which fixes the issue that when using a grid meter to measure PV Inverter output, it would loose that setting and show as a grid meter instead.
1 Like 1 Ā·
David avatar image David commented Ā·
I had the issue with my EM24 Ethernet reverting from PV on input 1 to Grid Meter.. This caused by consumption report to fall to zero. I had to change back as advised - and remove the new but now disconnected grid meter from VRM - All back and working.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hello all! Just now we released v3.20~12, of which the main feature is that it adds a lot more DSE generator controller models. See changelog for full list.
1 Like 1 Ā·
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi all, a heads up: today/tomorrow weā€™ll release a new backport version: v3.12~1.

It will contain all changes related to the new energy meter, VM-3PCT75; as well as a few other things. Official release is planned after one or two weeks.

In case you want to keep any of the other features: make sure to disable auto updates.

On the other hand, all help in testing v3.12 is welcome!

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3 Answers
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj answered Ā·

Since updating to 3.20~10, my 5 x MPPT100/20s are randomly dropping to near 0W. If I remove the USB cables and reconnect them then this will sometimes make them come back but will later stop or another one will fail. This also happens if I disable/re-enable the charger on the MPPT.

If I roll back to the previous firmware (3.11) all is well. If I go to 3.20~10 then the problem re-appears.

This isn't the first time I've had this issue with firmware updates, in fact I've had this numerous times after firmware changes and sometimes I can manage to get things working but this time it's quite repeatable.

I have quite a few USB devices so I use 2 x USB hubs however I never have issues generally.

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David avatar image David commented Ā·
If you are after stability, why are you installing the beta's ? Just set your GX device to the stable build!
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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj David commented Ā·
I deserved that :)
1 Like 1 Ā·
semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj commented Ā·
Spoke too soon, now it's happening on the 3.11 so forget it being specifically to do with 3.20~10. Frankly I'm fed up of this issue, there are on going issues with shade management on the RS MPPTs which is why I went for breaking up my string into separate chunks and this has been nothing but problems ever since with the the individual MPPTs dropping out randomly once you reboot or firmware update which is only resolvable by doing some strange rebooting dance with pulling out USB cables and dropping breakers until it miraculously starts working again. I despair.
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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj semlohnhoj commented Ā·
If anyone at Victron wants to take a look, it's doing it right now I'm happy to leave it like this although it's bound to rectify itself before anyone looks. I've enable remote support (Installation 216687).
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alnavasa avatar image
alnavasa answered Ā·
Update Signal K Server from v1.46.3 to v2.3.0

Can't find it anywhere,

What are the plugins and their versions on signal k server 2.3.0 that Venus OS is rolling pre installed for the large image?

1 comment
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markus-001 avatar image markus-001 commented Ā·

Iā€™ve noticed the maximum charge current set in DVCC is not honored if DC-coupled PV is activated in ESS Grid Feed in. If you disconnect the AC in, then the maximum charge current is honored again.

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cyon avatar image
cyon answered Ā·

Hello, can the new update work with DSE7320 MKii?

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