
mliberte avatar image
mliberte asked

Blue Smart IP67 charger - Lithium-ion voltage

Hi - I just got the Blue Smart IP67 charger. It states that for Lithium-ion batteries, the charging voltage is 14.2V, and float is 13.5V. My batteries are rated differently: 14.6V/13.8V. Is there a way to reconfigure the charger with the proper voltage? I couldn't find such option in the app. Appreciate any help!

Lithium Batterychargervoltage
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2 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @mliberte

No, unfortunately this charger is not yet configureble.
Of the smaller chargers, only the phoenix-smart range is currently fully configurable.

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philipw avatar image
philipw answered ·

I've just purchased an IP67 Smart Charger, and on the Product Page it clearly states:

All settings of the charger can be configured with the VictronConnect app.

On that basis I purchased it with the expectation that I could use it to charge an LTO battery, and adapt the charging settings as required. Only now I find this is not the case. Disappointing.

Can you advise if or when the this charger will be fully configurable as clearly advertised?

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vatu avatar image vatu commented ·

You can go in and setup a "custom" profile, you just cannot modify the Victron default lithium profile. (Posting here, even though this is an old post, so potential users would know of this option.)

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