
adriaan-van-fraassen avatar image
adriaan-van-fraassen asked

Why can I not feedback into grid?

Hi, I have been struggling a lot to get my multiplus II feeding back into the grid. I have a Modbus controlled multiplus 2 via a Cerbo GX with Pylontech batteries. Everything I can control perfectly fine via Modbus. Only when I change the grid setpoint to a negative value nothing happens. When I change it to a positive value the multi start charging the batteries with the selected value.

I followed all steps in the manual for the Pylontech batteries setup in VE configure 3.

Multiphase regulation is set to individual phase

There is no pv coupled just the multi with the batteries and the grid

DVCC is forced on

Does anybody an idea why I can not feedback?

Multiplus-IIModbus TCPess discharging
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Is ESS loaded? Do you have a grid code configured? All a requirement for feeding back.

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adriaan-van-fraassen avatar image
adriaan-van-fraassen answered ·

Yes ESS is loaded and the German grid is configured. Aux relay 2 feedback signal is also unchecked in VE configure grid settings.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Can you send pics of the GX ESS config, the assistant config etc?

Has the pylon config doc been followed to the letter?

Always best to start with the basics and work back from there.

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adriaan-van-fraassen avatar image
adriaan-van-fraassen answered ·

I followed the pylon config completely. Here are my settings










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