
filip-pesula avatar image
filip-pesula asked

Can cerbro measure external heat source?

I have a setup where I use inverters to heat water for the house and a coal water heater that turns on when water gets below a certain level.

I know the power of the coal heater and would like to measure the on-time of this heater so that I could calculate the "exact" consumption of the house in the winter.

Can Cerbo do this kind of measurement, or do you know something that could do that?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Cerbo GX can use temperature sensor. The chip inside victron sensor is LM335 i think so anything with that should work.

Some other pages on the forum discussing it:

What Temperature sensor can I use with the Cerbo? - Victron Community (

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