
pyrorider avatar image
pyrorider asked

System reports "Low battery voltage" even tough I disabled this alarm

Hi, I'm kind of annoyed by now, I wanted to charge my battery up using the scheduled charge function as I needed to turn off my mppt chargers, now its not charging at all and instead reports "Low battery voltage" alarms even though I have disabled this alarm in the remote console -> Multiplus.

So where do these alarms still come from? I'm using a smartshunt as battery monitor but that doesnt have a low voltage alarm setting. Also, where do I set the values for the alarms?

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The alarm in the Multiplus is set in the Multiplus either by using the Mk3 USB cable and a laptop/PC or phone and VE Connect, or via VRM if it is linked to a GX device such as a Cerbo GX using a laptop/PC.


VE configure manual

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pyrorider avatar image pyrorider commented ·
Been through that, the alarm value was 2V below the current battery voltage, the alarm still went on.

I redid the entire VEconfig procedure, checked the smartshunts bluetooth only settings (another very annoying thing) and now for some reason the alarms are gone

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