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ean-p asked

Battery Protect overvoltage level programming.

Battery Protect.

Is the 'over voltage' level programmable when used to interrupt charging . I've looked in the manual 'programme table' and it seems that the options are only for under voltage interrupt, though the function is mentioned briefly elsewhere in the manual text? Secondly, if it can be used to interrupt the 'charger' input what then would be the effect if one component of that charge input was an MPPT. In essence what is the impact of disconnection on the MPPT or should the BP be used to 'turn off' the MPPT rather than disconnect it?

battery charging
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Traditionally, the Battery protect function was designed to protect lead batteries from over discharge. This will work whit lithium too, but you need to be sure that all cells discharge equally, or need to stop the discharger as soon as the first cell gets to minimum voltage.

It cannot be used to protect from over voltage. This function is set by the absorption voltage setting. The batter protect function just turns off the load output, but has no other effect.

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