
osman avatar image
osman asked

How can i charge 36 volt 3 x 200 ah victron Li Batteries from shore power and engine alternator

Hi there, i would like to instal 3 12v 200 ah lithium batteries ( 36 volt sys.) for my minn kota , and want to charge them from my engine and also from shore power, can u help me pls about what i need


battery charging
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @osman, welcome to the Community!

Unfortunately 36v configuration of Victron LFP batteries is not supported, so Victron LFP batteries will not be the solution for your particular application. For more information, you can see the datasheet available here

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osman avatar image
osman answered ·

dear Justin , thanks for responce ,

can we charge them with 3 seperate charger ?

3 batteries are connected serial but ,at the same time if we connect one by one 3 seperate charger to each battery , what are tou thinking like that ?

just my opinion

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

Individually charging 12V batteries in a string is not a good idea.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

@osman it's not just a question of charging them, it's that they may not be used in that configuration. Certain Victron battery banks may be series-connected to 24 or 48V while others may not be series-connected at all, but 36v is not an option in any case. Victron batteries are not the solution for your particular installation, unfortunately.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Do you need 36V for some special application or you just happen to have three 12V batteries and want to use them all in one system?

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osman avatar image osman commented ·

need 36 volt for some application , but i want to use victron lithium

my boat have 2 engine with 12 volt alternator,

i want to charge them with shore power and boat alternator

how can i do this with all victron energy system

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seb71 avatar image seb71 osman commented ·
12V, 24V and 48V systems are more common and Victron Energy gear is suited for these.
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osman avatar image osman seb71 commented ·

except 36 vdc charger , what we need after 3 x 200 amp charger ?

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