
albuwardi avatar image
albuwardi asked

Cannot export data from VRM anymore


i'm trying to export recorded data obtained from Cerbo GX from VRM as i used to earlier but now it shows me a warning (attached below) "There is already a data export pending for this installation, please wait for it to complete". 1693159342429.png

Its been more than 24 hours since the request but yet the portal neither sent us the export file over mail nor is allowing to export another file.

Tried updating the firmware of all connected devices and rebooting of Cerbo GX but to no avail!

Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Link to installations:

  • Dirty :
  • Clean :
1693159342429.png (34.7 KiB)
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Hi @Albuwardi,

Is this issue still occurring or has it resolved itself?

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paulcooper avatar image paulcooper Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

I have the same problem. It has been days since I submitted the requested download for one month's data. My installation is

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15 Answers
mg2012 avatar image
mg2012 answered ·

I have the same problem...
I started with this problem a couple of days ago, same message as above.
I am unable to download any information that needs to be sent via email.
Maybe some problem with the server that generates the reports?

Thanks in advance!


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mg2012 avatar image
mg2012 answered ·


Problem solved.... that was fast!

I just received the email, and all works great!


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ovrdrv avatar image
ovrdrv answered ·

Hello, having the same problem, how do we get this resolved?

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kocki avatar image
kocki answered ·

same problem for me, up to yesterday everything was okay:

What can I do?


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wynir avatar image wynir commented ·
Same problem today 25042024, best regards
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi, thanks for the reports, I’ve forwarded them on to the VRM team to investigate.

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kocki avatar image
kocki answered ·

It's working again, after +/- 6 hours I got the email for download the data export.

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wynir avatar image
wynir answered ·

Thanks for the work. It works again.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi All,

Thanks for your reports, there was indeed a process that needed attention. As you have seen, it has now been resolved.

1 comment
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kocki avatar image kocki commented ·
Hi Guy,

Thanks a lot for your support.


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mg2012 avatar image
mg2012 answered ·

Hi! I'm re-using this thread :)

Same problem here again, I cannot export with the same message:


There is already a data export pending for this installation, please wait for it to complete

Could be the problem previously reported?

Thanks for the continuous support!!!

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wynir avatar image
wynir answered ·

Same problem today 04062024, best regards

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kocki avatar image
kocki answered ·

Same problem for me @ 04.06.2024 08:51 MESZ

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager): Please can you help again like Apr 26 2024?




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jsmvanwyk avatar image
jsmvanwyk answered ·

Hi, Same probleme here on installation 437996. I have been waiting more than 12 hours and still have not received the link and it refuses me to download data from this site.

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kocki avatar image
kocki answered ·

It's working for me again since 04.06.2024 +/- 14:00 MESZ.

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mg2012 avatar image
mg2012 answered ·

Yes! it's working again... Thanks again for the continuous support!!!!

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jsmvanwyk avatar image
jsmvanwyk answered ·

Working again for me as well. thanks

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