
macirony avatar image
macirony asked

Solar charger goes to 0w when charging battery?

Hello partners,

I have some doubts that I have not been able to solve searching the forum... my installation consists of a 5kva quattro, a mppt rs450/100 and BYD battery with its bms to ccgx.

To the ccgx the bms goes through ve.can and the mppt through, total that when it charges and reaches 100% battery charge, the mppt cuts off all injection and goes to 0... it does not maintain the consumption that may be being generated at that moment in the house, then pull the battery again until the mppt recovers and recharges the battery and maintains the charge of the house. this is normal?

and the other query is that I am expanding the installation of boards and I am going to put an mppt rs450/200 with 4 strings and to do parallelization of the mppt I have seen that it is done with vecan... but I have it with and the ccgx does not have another input of ve.can because the bms of the batteries is busy.

Is it possible to parallelize through ve.can between the mppts with their terminators and for each mppt to go to the ccgx with Or is the ve.can between them not necessary because by with the ccgx it already does the synchronization?

Greetings and I hope I have explained myself well.

mppt rs
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nesswill avatar image nesswill commented ·


I have all my RS's on VE.Can (the only thing i have on is my Smart shunt do you have one?) and all the setting are the same this way they work together and maintain the Batteries (AGM) at 100% and supplies any load that's put on them assuming there is enough sun/light to do so, if not the load will be taken from the Batteries.

With the VE.Can interface up to 25 Charge Controllers can be daisy-chained and connected to a Color Control GX or other GX device. Each controller can be monitored individually, for example on a Color Control GX and on the VRM website.

What you describe does not sound correct as mine does not behave like that, maybe some else might have an idea why the MPPT turns the strings off, something to do with the battery BMS?? (if i understand you correctly)

Can you post some pictures of you setting from Victron connect (battery setting from the MPPT) and some history too please, this will help us diagnose the issue.

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macirony avatar image
macirony answered ·

Thank you very much for your help,
I am attaching what I have been able to collect, I no longer know if it is a preview failure or the BMS is the culprit.

And on the other issue, as I already explained in the ccgx, I cannot put another can (occupied by bms since BYD works with another bit protocol) so it has to go with direct. I don't know if the parallelization of the rs between them will work or it will be managed by the ccgx

img-2570.png img-2571.png captura-de-pantalla-2023-08-14-a-las-113827.png

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nesswill avatar image nesswill commented ·

Thank you.

Sorry i dont think i can help much more but below are some links that might help.

Maybe someone else with a similar setup can help.

Good luck.

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