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wonday asked

SmartSolar with Lithium Battery

This will hopefully be a really obvious question about system design with SmartSolar 75 and Victron lithium battery , but i couldnt find a clear answer / reference in any of the manuals, or in other questions in this forum

In my campervan i have a simple setup
- 12 V battery (Gel)

- 12 V solar panels

- SmartSolar 75 charge controller (with loads connected to it)

now my battery is old and i want to replace it with a lithium battery, and I'm just not sure if a direct replacement is fine or it needs anything else?
I have seen in other posts i just need to adjust the controller settings for Li , but that doesnt quite answer things.

"Li Superpack"

this says it has BMS, does this make the charge controller obsolete? or does that just mean i can user superpack as a direct replacement for a gel battery and connect straight to charge controler?

"Li battery smart"
this says it needs an additional BMS - for me the smallBMS will do -
diagram 3.3.1 in manual is basically my setup, however i dont have a smart battery protect, i just use the smartsolar load output. (which does the same no?)

but if i read the features of smallBMS in 2.2. that sounds like things that SmartSolar is already doing for me? with the correct settings, isnt that enough? i assume the "Li battery smart" has cell balancing etc internally?

SmallBMS Manual :

Many thanks in advance for any advice

MPPT SmartSolarLithium Battery
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