
davebda avatar image
davebda asked

Looking for proper setting

Boondocking, battery reading 13.8 volts. 95 degrees outside, air conditioning needed. Generator started, air conditioning started. Air conditioner draws 1750 watts, even though batteries are reading 13.8 volts, system continues to direct 1600 watts from generator to charging batteries which overloads the generator. How do I get it to stop charging when the battery voltage is that high already?

battery charging
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What inverter/chargers do you have? How have they been configured?

What batteries do you have?

Screenshots from the config and additional info would go a long way to enabling people to advise you.

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davebda avatar image
davebda answered ·

Using the Victron Multbus 3000, 4 100 ah lithium batteries, Cerbo GX,

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