
Val Vechnyak avatar image
Val Vechnyak asked

Orion LiFePO4 battery profile

When using Connect app for the DC to DC Orion 12|12-30 charger, I am selecting Smart Lithium profile but it still shows float and absorption stages. I critically do not want any of the absorption or float stages for my LiFePo4 bank. I would like to only have bulk. Could someone please help how to configure this?

Thank you

orion-tr smartorion dc-dc
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1 Answer
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Can you edit the presets?

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Val Vechnyak avatar image Val Vechnyak commented ·
Yes but not to disable those two stages
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Val Vechnyak commented ·
You can't disable them. Just set absorption to the charging voltage. If you wish, shorten absorption time. Float voltage can be set a little below absorption, this affects when the charger will restart so don't go too low
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