
stalen avatar image
stalen asked

My Multiplus Compact 12/2000/ 80 does not charge proparly.

When I have the cable for shorepower in it only charges with approxamily 9 amp. The SOC is 68% so it should charge much more I think. The setting for the maximum charge for the Multiplus is 80 amp.

What could be wrong?

battery charging
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Could be settings, weak shore power.

Check AC input limit.

How are you measuring the charge current/SOC?

What battery settings are in the Multiplus and what batteries do you have?

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stalen avatar image
stalen answered ·

The shorepower is OK.

AC input limit is set to 16 amps but is overruled to 30 by remote control.

I measure SOC by Daly BMS and by BMV 712 smart.

I have LiFePo4 batterier and that is what I have in my settings in my Multiplus.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

And what is the battery charge current set in the inverter itself?

Do you have the 120v version or the 230v?

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stalen avatar image stalen commented ·

It is set to 80 amps.

It is the 230 v version

I have now by chansning absorption voltage from 14.2 to 14.4 got it to charge with 22 amps. The Multiplus did shut down once. Had to restart so it is charging now.

But why not with more amps? The SOC is only 73%.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ stalen commented ·

SOC when bulk is finished maybe?

Setting that up higher like around 97% might help.

Weird the MP shut down though. Is there dust in the unit? And is heat a problem?

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