
myles-macaulay avatar image
myles-macaulay asked

Energy consumption forecast is not correct - Huge Values

MY energy forecast was working correctly but now its forecasting way too high! Residential solar system.


It was working correctly before. What can I do to reset this?

Here is my system -


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1 Answer
myles-macaulay avatar image
myles-macaulay answered ·

Rebooted the Cerbo and all is working now. Hopefully this thread will help someone else out. Would like to know how it got borked though.

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Hi @Myles Macaulay,

Thanks for reporting back that it's resolved, we expect most of these kinds of issues to self-correct.

That said, in your example the result is so impossible I have passed it on to the team to have a look to see if we might be able to prevent it in the first place.

Edit Update - Just heard back from the team there was a brief front end bug that is now fixed.

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