
swede avatar image
swede asked

Peak Power Pack car/solar input max 20V or 25V


I just bought a Peak Power Pack 8 Ah. This seems like a very versatile product!

In the online documentation is stated max 25V on the car/solar charge input. However in the manual I got with the product it states max 20V. The difference is of big impact since many solar panels have an open voltage of about 21-22 V.

Can I hope that it is an error in my manual, or does the delivered product support max 20V?


Version 00, February 2016

Product marking:

PN: PPP012008000

SN: HQ1616LU24Y


Thanks in advance!


solarvoltagePeak Power Pack
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I think it is a typographical error in Version 00 of your manual. Not only the online manual (Version 4), but also the datasheet and sales brochure state 25V.

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swede avatar image swede commented ·

Thanks for your answer!


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Related Resources

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Peak Power Pack Product Page.

Peak Power Pack Manual PDF.

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