
steveashall avatar image
steveashall asked

EV charger and VRM integration

Hi Folks.
We recently integrated 2 x Victron EV chargers into our existing Victron solar generation and storage system and I wondered if there were any plans to improve the integration between the chargers and the GX and VRM systems?

I also have a few specific questions that I hoped the community could answer:

  • How do I set priorities – i.e. PV first, then battery, then grid, and how do I exclude batteries completely to retain charge for night time use?
  • How do I differentiate what power is going to AC loads and EV charge points, as they are currently combined in the VRM system? I can calculate this manually, but it would be preferable to see the non EV related AC loads as a separate figure.
  • How do I add the EV charger usage as a separate item in the system overview data and graph in the VRM?
  • Is it possible to create an EV output widget on the GX screen?
  • Is there a way to access historic data? We own a tourism business and have guests who pay to charge vehicles, and I've noticed that once they unplug, the session data resets.

Many thanks.


ev charging station
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Hi, Thanks for your suggestions!

Yes, the VRM reports should and will be improved.

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steveashall avatar image steveashall Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you Lucian - I don't suppose you have a timescale for the updates?
Also, are you able to provide any clarity to my specific questions?

Many thanks.

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